Page 12 - baby
P. 12

To  Frame  the  Picture  on  the  Screen.                             Clea
           Raise  or  l0wer  the  little  lever  I  (Fig.  5)  situated
           on  the  left  side  at  the  back  of  the  Projector  until         Nev•
           the  picture  is  squarely  on  the  centre  of  the  screen          as  i1
           and  in  such  a  manner  that  the  perforations  of  the            film.
           film  are not shown on the screen above or below the                  Oil
                                                                                 sew I
           To  Rewind  the  Film.                                                the 1
           Disengage  the  lamp-house  by  pressing  clown  and
           pulling  out;  also  disengage  the  film  from  the                  Do  r
           moving  claw  V  and  pull  it  lightly  out  of  the  chan-          as  y•
           nel.  Turn  the  little  re\Yincler  handle  D  in  an  anti-
           clockwise  direction.
           \i\'hilst rewinding the fil m,  if  same becomes slightly
           jammed  in  the  channel  or  elsewhere,  do  not  force
           it  but  assist  it  to  run  freely  with  your  hand  so  as           A
           not  to  tear  the  film.

           Care  of  the  Projector.
           Wipe  with  a  very  clean  cloth  or  piece  of  chamois
           leather  the  concave  mirror  0  and  the  electric  lamp
           (Fig  9).
           Wipe  over  both  sides  of  the  condenser  R  and  the
           len s  Al.                                                               T
           In  order  to  wipe  the  surfaces  of  the  lens  Al  it  is
           necessary  to  take  clown  the  upper  part  A  of  the
           Projector.  To  do  this  unscre\Y  the  thumb-screw  E
           (Fig.  4)  and  draw  out  straight  upwards.

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