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REEL  DEALS                                               I


            Welcome to the third edition ofREEL DEALS. This edition is somewhat late in production due
        mainly to my attendance at the Film BuiTs meeting in Wellington, New Zealand.

            Sinoe the first edition of REEL DEALS I have received many calls asking to be added to the
        mailing list. The circulation is now around the 80 mark and seems to be growing with each edition.
        There has been a significant increase in the number of advertisements this time and lots of good films
        are on olfer.
            At the outset I said I did not want to get involved in selling films on behalf others,  although I
        still feel this way, I have agreed to place a couple of ads in the magazine for people who are reluctant
        to see their name in print.  The ads are noted accordingly and I will assist with any queries, but will
        genernlly get the advertiser to contact you to do the deal

            REEL DEALS is produced about every three months and distributed to interested collectors
        ( currently ) free of charge.  My original  intention was to produce and distribute  the first 4 editions
        oft he magaz.ine  free  as a means of gelling it going and to judge the interest in it, therefore the ncx.t
        edition will be the last  to be sent out free of charge.  A decision will then have to be made on firstly
        whether  to  continue  the  production  of REEL  DEALS,  and  if so,  on  how  to  fund  it's  costs.
        The  cost of production. photocopying , etc.  is quite low , bu.t when the  cost of the postage  ( 80
        copies) is added the amount becomes quite significant,  and a  means of covering this cost will have
        to be found.   If we continue at the rate of 4  editions  per year,  and the number of pages remains
        below that which can be !ient for the basic 45 cents postage rate, I  think a subscription of$4.00 per
        year would not be unreasonable, alternatively  perhaps you may feel the Advertisers  should pay,
        or  a  combination  of both.  I  personally  favor  making  perhaps  one  page  of advertising  free  to
        subscribers, nnd an additional  cost for extra pages.  Your comments and ideas  would be  most
            Feel free to copy or loan this newsletter  If you know anyone who would like to be on the
        mailing list, or you  would like a second copy  for a  friend,  please let  me know - remember, the
        more  collectors  who  receive  REEL  DEALS  the  more  we  can  expect  to  be  Rdvertised  and
        sold/swapped etc.  This can only help to promote our hobby and keep film collecting alive!!

            Your interest and ideas are most welcome, as of course are your advertisements.

            Yours sincerely,
            MIKE TRICKEIT

                            A]).JIERTISE  FREE
                    DEADLINE FOR NEXT EDITION- 1st. FEBRUARY 1994

        2   REEL DEALS  November 1993
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