Page 4 - RD_2000-12
P. 4


                                                               by Charles Slater

        Part 1
        Cine-Ducks and Dux-Cines

        Visualise a youthful projectionist setting up his 'Junior Cinematograph Picture Outfit'. He loads
        a film, not much over three feet in length, then cautiously lights the wick of the kerosene illuminant.
        Meanwhile an audience consisting of relatives and neighbours settle back in mute anticipation of
        the performance to come. Finally the room light is extinguished and there, on a suspended bed
        sheet, can be observed the faint image of a roadway.

        After  brief  discussion  the  assembled
        audience  agree  that  there  appears  to  be
        several ducks in one corner. All eyes are
        now accustomed to the gloomy image and
        our budding entrepreneur begins cranking
        the handle attached to his tinplate wonder.
        Miraculously  the  ducks  begin  to  move.
        Indeed,  they  appear  to  be  crossing  the
        road.  LOOK  OUT!  Here  comes  an
        automobile. Fortunately it just misses our
        feathered friends. A courteous chuckle is
        heard  from  patronising  relatives  at  the
        climax of this five-second epic.

        To  compensate  for  the  brevity  of
        approximately 65 frames of animation it
        was customary to join these short strips
        of  35  mm  film  head-to-tail  to  create  a
        continuous   loop.   Consequentially,
        narrowly missing disaster once was not
        sufficient for these foolhardy fowl; they
        dash  forward  again  and  escape  death  a
        second time. Then for a third, fourth and
        fifth time as the loop traverses gate and  A Typical Child’s Cinematograph Outfit
        By this time hopefully Junior is showman enough to realise that one can have too much of a good
        thing and a full minute of any one subject, even if as thrilling as these dare devil ducks, is usually
        sufficient. Room lights go on to enable a fresh subject to be laced up. What will it be next?
        'Crashing waves' 'Boxing Match' or that sure-fire hit- 'Approaching Train’.

        Motion picture repertoire exhausted, versatility of the apparatus is demonstrated by using it to
        screen 'stereopticon views' (translation:- 'glass slides') in full lithographic colour, concluding with
        some from the 'Comic Faces' series, each guaranteed for a good laugh.

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