Page 58 - RD_2000-12
P. 58
45 l\Iinimbah Road,Northbridge N.S.W.2063 Ph/Fax (02)99672309 Email rmandhm_northl:~_::!tni".'',J'~~~~~~~l-"'=
$20 The Flowers 15min .. $35 South Seas Islands 30min
$25 Free In The Sun 30min. $30 Spain 30min.
$25 Fujiama Calls 30min. $30 $25 Spring In Japan 25min.
$30 Game Of The Week(Dallas Cowboys V Wash.Redskins 30 $30 Standing Alone,American Indians 30nun
$20 Golf ln Australia 20min. $30 Sydney-Hobart Yacht Race 30nun
$25 Golf In The Sun 30min $15 Tahiti 12min.Mag.Sound
$35 Golf Out West 50min. $20 Taupo Moana 15 min.
$25 The Great Barrier Reef 12min. $25 Temple of Twenty Pagodas 25
$20 Himalaya Cruise 12min. $25 There is a Place 20 min
$30 Hawaiian Islands 25min. $25 Time To Think 30min
$25 Hawaii The Fortunate Islands 20min. $20 Tonga Islands 20min.
$20 Hawaiian Volcanoes 12min. $40 The true Story Of The Civil War 35mln
$40 Highlights Of A World Tour 30min. $25 The Untamed World 25min
$30 Hospitals Don't Bum Down 30min. Kingcroft production $25 Two Christmases 25min.
$30 The House That Mark(Twain) Built 25min. $25 Vince Lombardi,Striving Effort 30rnin
$25 If You Can Boil Water 30min. $40 Waltzing Matilda,Australia On Tour J~>rlllll
$30 Images of Man 30m $25 Wildlife Paradise 30mrn.
$35 In An Eggshell 30min. $40 Wild Australia 25min.
$40 Island Of The spirit 60min. $40 Wild Wild World Of Aust.Animals JOm1n
$25 Japan 30min. $40 Winged Fury Columbia Short
$15 Japan, Land And lis People 10min. $35 Winter Is-Canada 25min.
$20 Japan(qantas) 12min. $20 World Of Little Things 15min.
$25 Journey Through Japan 30min. $25 Yachting In Greece 20min
$25 Kanagawa Journal 25min.
$25 Keeping Up With The Jones 30m in.
$20 Last Hunting Ground 20min. ElK! EX 3500 ZENON 350 WATT PH OJI <: l < lH (I \I< OWN)
$35 Last Putt To Win-1969 Golf Open 60min. WITH ANAMORPHIC LENS> VERY GOO! l CONI !I I 1< lN
$25 Last Week We Flew To Florida 25m in. $650 EACH TWO AVAILABLE
$40 Legend Of Rama Ballet bB.B.C. 40min.
$20 Los Angeles Focus On Wonder STANDARD 8 SOUND FILMS
$25 The Magic Of Diamonds 20min. TRAILERS $10 EACH
$25 Majorca Interlude 25min. Clash By Night
$15 Making Trackls 12min. Distant Drums
$25 Marathon 25min. The Glass Mountain
$25 Mark Twains Hartford House 25min. Maneaters
$15 Maya Invites A Carioca 12min.Mag.Sound Not Wanted On Voyage
$20 Melbourne 12min.
$25 Mexiuco Central and Gulf Coast 25min. Scrooge
$20 Mexico,Herl!llge and Progress 20min.
Tom Browns Schooldays
$20 Mexico.~9f Colour And Contrast 20min. STANDARD 8 SOUND FEATURES IN FXCI It I N I LONDITI
$25 Mexico,Nor:t!lem And Southern Regions 25min. $120 Clash By Night 4 reels Dir.Fntz Land,Manlyn Monroe
$20 Mysterious131ack Mountain Japanese Language 20min. $ 80 Inside Donald Duck One Hour Colour
$25 My Valley Is Changing 30min. $100 Jack And The Bcanstalk Abboll And c:oshlllo Fl W
$25 New Faces (Australia) 30min.
$100 Land without Music 4 reels Richard Tauber Classic
$30 The New Rangers 30min. $100 Miracle Of the bells 5 reels hed M01cMurray
$25 New Zealand, Captain Araldyte 30min. $100 Mohawk 4 reels Scott Brady
$30 New Zealand, Greatest Run On Earth 30min. $120 Oliver Twist 6 reels Alec GUincss
$25 Ninety-Nine Bottles Of Beer 30min $120 Our Relations 4 reels Laurel And llardy
@5 N.R.L. Football 30min. $80 Red River Valley 62 Minutes Roy Rogms.Cabby hayes
$30 Pacific Tour-A World For Us 30min.
$120 Stagecoach 4 reels John Wayne
$25 Pais Vasco 30min. $100 Sweeney Todd,Oemon Barber $ roels J'od :>laughter
$25 Palmer In Australia -Golf 30min. $100 Sword Of Monte Christo 4 reels George Montgomery
$35 Pan-Ams Bali Technicolor 20min. $ 80 Way Out West 45 minute version Laurel And hardy
$40 Pan-Ams The Carribbean 25min. Technicolor
$30 Panorama Of France B.W. 30min.
$25 Panorama Of Italy 25min. 8 W. CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED
$25 Pompeii-Once There Was A City 30min.
$25 Pursuit Of Efficiency J.Arthur Rank 30min.
$40 Qantas Presents 30min.
$40 Rhode Island 30min.
$25 Romance Of Chile 30min.
$30 Rugby League Grand Final1965 BW. 30min.
$30 Rugby League Grand Final !972 30min.
$50 Saga Of Modem Man-1898 B. W one hour
20 Sanfrancisco 12min.
S20 Seeka 12min.
$30 Six Heavy Fish (Cooks Anchors) 20min.
S25 Sk~ing ~n Ct',He 2Cm;r..