Page 29 - 2005-12
P. 29
The machines are controlled from the There were some forty lengths of this
adjacent edit suite by one operator, Fig 2. assorted material varying in lengths from
There is only one fulltime operator, Guy 80 to 360 feet; they were not segregated
Harmsworth, although there is a part-time, into types before transfer but tape-spliced
operator on call as necessary. The unit is on to three 2,000 ft 16mm projection spools
frequently very busy and time has to be in an order previously selected by Howard.
booked in advance. The films were all about fifty years old and
subject over the years to unknown handling
In a separate room there is an all-electronic and storage conditions. I had found them
Edit Suite, Fig 3 and 4. This facility can all heaped into a large crate in a storage
handle transfer between a wide range of area of the Museum of Berkshire Aviation
formats e.g. Betamax, VHS, Super VHS, some four years previously. After minor
Video 8, Hi-8, U-Matic High Band, and Low repairs and correctly re-spooling them they
Band, Betacam, Beta SP, Digi B, and 1" C proved to be in relatively good condition,
format to mention several! As previously apart from slight occasional colour fade.
mentioned 2" Quadruplex will be installed
Rates for all the different services are This was where the close cooperation
subject to negotiation because individual between the transfer operator, Guy, and
requirements vary so widely. the customer, Howard, was so invaluable. If
there was any doubt about the colour
Returning to the film-to-video transfer rendering or focus the transfer was stopped
facility essential auxiliary equipment in mid-run and correction applied to
consists of an Ampex six-plate dual gauge Howard's satisfaction. If there was the
editor and a Philip-Rigby dual gauge flat slightest doubt about picture sharpness
bed power rewinder. Guy stopped to examine which side of the
film carried the emulsion and the scanning
Unlike the majority of professional studios optic was adjusted. This was obviously time
the Unit welcomes customers to observe consuming, taking about two and a half
work in progress and advise the operator, hours to transfer 2,000 ft of 16mm films.
Guy Harmsworth off any correction factors However this will result in a considerable
they deem necessary. This minimizes their time saving at Avion Video when final shot
work back at base. assembly and editing takes place for the
issue of VHS tapes and DVDs
Corrections for GAMMA, LIFT and GAIN commercially to the general public.
are applied as the transfer proceeds, in this
case to BETA-SP cassette. The I had to admire Guy's meticulous attention
cooperation with the customer, in this case, to detail and his patience. He expertly
Howard Asbridqe, was most valuable applied Lift, Gamma, and. Gain to each
because the footage under transfer was a section of transfer including individual
completely mixed assortment of scenes where appropriate. He let nothing
monochrome camera negatives and through until both he and Howard were
positive prints. Also there were camera satisfied.
originals in Kodachrome and Ektachrome,
as well as colour prints. A few films had This was a most pleasant and informative
optical sound tracks at 24 fps, but our visit for which I thank Unit Manager Steve
colour print had optical sound recorded at Vokings and Guy Harmsworth for their
18 fps! cooperation. Also thanks are due to Steve
Vokings for agreeing that I was free to
publish this visit report.