Page 9 - RD_2006-12
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                                                                                          David Donaldson

              Always just called “Home Talkies”; this           Australian features included HIS LOYAL
              Sydney enterprise was a mainstay of the           HIGHNESS with George Wallace.
              burgeoning world of 16mm in the 1950s.            Underwater specialist Noel Monkman’s
               Their office was upstairs near Wynyard           only feature THE POWER AND THE
              Square in the centre of the CBD. You could        GLORY in 1941 had smallish roles for both
              readily pick up a taxi or just park to load the   youngish Peter Finch and older Raymond
              gear right outside in those days. It was run      Longford, now held by Home Talkies under
              by Mr. and Mrs. Clubb with their daughter         the 1952 reissue re-title THE INVADERS.
              (Dorothy?). Probably Mr. Clubb had set up         The Redex Trial films from both 1953 and
              in business with war-surplus equipment            1954. And Leeton Cannery’s sponsored
              and film supplies.                                industrial promotionals.

              Visual education had been an ideal from           American films in plenty, in the 60-80
              the 1920s, but WW2 made it practical. One         minutes range mostly. British similarly.
              delightful little double-sprocketed silent        THUNDER IN THE CITY had been made in
              instructional, THE WILLIAMSON                     England with Edward G. Robinson, so it
              BROMIDE PRINTER, shows shirtless                  was both. A handful of “Continental”
              Aussies in their Bombay Bloomer shorts            features such as the notorious LA RONDE
              turning out huge pages under a jungle roof.       and PASTORAL SYMPHONY with heart-
              In wartime and for the decade after, local        achingly beautiful Michele Morgan. Lots of
              manufacturers like Pyrox, Harmour and             two-reel comedies, including Buster
              Heath, and Precision Engineering were             Keaton’s very funny THE GOLD GHOST.
              protected by import licensing, customs
              duties and sheer shortage of shipping.            By the sixties, the Greater Union subsidiary
              Precision made the Cinevox with the               Sixteen Millimetre Australia Pty Ltd had
              speaker in the detachable lid of the case:        flooded the schools, churches, licensed
              low-powered, noisy and awkward, but               clubs and mobile exhibitors with a co-
              magic in its day.                                 ordinated range of Bell and Howell gear
                                                                backed by access to major and recent
              Films with wartime themes included the            features, albeit on contracts of thirteen at a
              early Ealing SAN DEMETRIO, LONDON                 stretch. Home Talkies were left as the
              and the Eighth Army semi-doc NINE MEN             minor player for home and rural users. The
              which was directed by Harry Watt (he came         office moved out to the fringe at Cleveland
              on to Australia to make THE                       Street and switched to retailing the brave
              OVERLANDERS). ALL-STAR BOND                       new thing, Super Eight.
              RALLY offered leggy Betty Grable,
              trumpeter Harry James and many others             Where did all those 16mm comedies,
              doing their acts patriotically. SARGE GOES        Castle cut-downs and thirties-forties
              TO COLLEGE had Alan Hale jr. finding his          features go to?  Where is BARON OF
              civvy feet among Californian teenagers;           ARIZONA, photographed by James Wong
              their musical education included “Open the        Howe and directed by not-then-fashionable
              Door, Richard”, soon to chart as a novelty        Sam Fuller? You can bet that the
              song.                                             Cinevoxes are boat anchors now.
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