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       45 Minimbah Road,Northbridge N.S.W.2063 Ph/Fax(02)99672309 Email
   SPECIAL-COLOUR FEATURES 4 AT $30 FOR $99-  MARCH   $15  Five Islands -20Min.
   Excellent  Condition  - Some Fade         $15  The Gallery –Film Australia -10Min.
   $30   The Bear   -Renato Rascel,-Fantasy With Talking Bear   $15  Greek Children –B.W. -20Min.
   $30   Babe   Alex Karras,Susan Clark      $20  Hot Dog –Woody Allen-30Min.
   $30   The Cat      -Roger Perry,Peggy Ann Garner.   $25  Hunchback Of Notre Dame-Lon Chaney,1925-12Min.B.W.
   $30  Charlston  -  Martha Scott,Richard Lawson                                $15  Joseph Levine-Film Director B.W.-10Min.
   $30   Cotter    -Don Murray,Sheree North.   $20  Movietone News-Silver Wedding King George V1-1948-B.W.
   $30   Delta County, U.S.A.Jeff Connaway-   $40  Musical Reel –Margot Fontaine,Vienna Waltzes -40Min.B.W.
   $30   Equus   -Richard Burton,Peter Firth   $20  Paddington Lace –Film Aust -20Min
   $30   Fishing ,U.S.A.- The Flying Fisherman.   $15  Sheep Dog In The Highlands -10Min.B.W.
   $30   Fools   Jason Robards               $25  -Skiier In Wonderland –Swiss –Exc.Colour 25Min.
   $30   Fortune And Men’s Eyes   Wendell Burton   $15  Ski School In Austria – Exc.Colour -15Min.
   $30  Great Expectations  -James Mason,Michael York   $20  Swing Band Scene –B.W.-30Min.
   $30   It’s Good To Be Alive   -Paul Winfield,Rube Dee.    $15  The Story Of Glaciers  -10Min.S.F.
   $30   Jimmy B.And Andre   Susan Clark,Eddie Barth     $15  Thailland -10Min.
   $30   Joe    -Peter Boyle,Dennis Patrick.   $20  This England -10Min.B.W.
   $30   Joseph And His Brethren   Geoffrey Horne     $15  Trombone And Tuba-Basic Music  -12Min.
   $30   Mixed Company   -Joseph Bologna,Barbara Harris   $15  Trout In New Zealand-10Min.B.W.
   $30  Oedipus Rex( The King-Age Of Sophocles-B.W.                          $15  Untuned Percussion  -basic Music  -12Min.
   $30   A Separate Peace   John Heyl        $12  Weather Map –Film Aust -10Min.
   $30   Slow dancing In The Big City    Paul Sorvino   .
   $30   Tell Me A Riddle.-Melvyn Douglas,Lila Kedrova   .   CASTLE SHORTS-B.W. $12 EACH.( 3 FOR $30)
   $30   To Die Of Love    Bruno Pradal      Little Match Girl                       Ski Mania
   $30   Trauma Center   James Naughton      Aqua Frolics                            Fishing Fun
   $30  Trail Of The Wild  -Eskimos In Northern Canada   Please   Golf Magic                              Football Parade Of 1955
   .                                 call    Story Of Pope Pius,12           Lake louise And Banff
   WANTED:            FILM  COLLECTIONS.   AFTER    Sportbeam-Bluebloods       Swimming And Diving Aces
   PAY  CASH.      PHONE:  02.9967 2309      Babes In Sportland                Cinderella On Silver Skates
                                     17th    Racket Action                        Ballet Concert Waltz
   Projection Lamps.                March -    Jabs And Jolts                  .
   $20    E.L.C.  24Volt,250 Watt-           $20  Here Is The Circus   -B.W. -20Min  -Castle
   $80  Gilkon Adjustable Projector Stand-Brand New.   Thanks   SPECIAL - ALL 16 ABOVE $99
   REELS New Tuscan Reels And Cans -Blue     CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED
   $6  2,000  Feet Reels
   $4. 1600 Feet.Reels  ( 10 For  $30 )       HARRY”S NEW FILM LIST  S.,F.=SOME COLOUR FADE
   $5  2,000 Feet Cans                       $50  Any Wednesday –Jason Robards–S.F.
   $4  1,600 Feet Cans                       $50  the Art Of Crime  -Jose Ferrer,Jill Clayburgh-S.F.
   $7  1,200 Feet Reel And Can-Brand New     $50  Brian”s Song  -James Caan  -S.F.
   $4  800 Feet Cans –Brand New              $50  Brief Encounter  -Richard Burton,Sophia Loren  -S.F.
   $680   Brand New Motorised Screen 3 Metre X 1.67 Metre   $50  Bunny O”Hare  -Bette Davis,Ernest Borgnine  -S.F.
   (10 Feet X 6 Feet) With 2 Remote Controls.Retail $1,990.   $50  Call Him Mr.Shatter  -Stuart Whitman  -S.F
   Light-Proof Backing.                      $50  Company Of Killers  -Van Johnson,Ray Milland  -S.F.
                                             $50  Crime And Passion  -Omah Sharif,Karen Black  -S.F.
   SEND EMAIL FOR LATEST LISTS               $50  Crooks And Coronets  -Telly Savalis,Caesar Romero  -S.F.
    BLACK AND WHITE  FEATURES ,NEW CONDITION.   $80  Domino Principle  -Gene Hackman-Kodak SP Colour
   $120  Angel Baby  -George Hamilton,Joan Fontaine   $50  Foreign Intrigue  -Robert Mitcham  -S.F.
   $50  Arrest And Trial-The Roll Of The Dice-Chuck Connors   $80  Heart Is A Lonely Hunter  -Alan Arkin   -Mostly Low-Fade.
   $80  A Fox In Paris  -Hardy Kruger        $50  Here Come The Tigers  -Richard Lincoln  -S.F.
   $50  Hiawatha –Vgincent Edwards           $50  How To Save A Marriage  -Dean Martin  -S.F.
   $50  Revenge Of The Worm –Ben Gazzara     $50  Doc Savage,Man Of Bronze  -S.F. –S.F.
   $80  A Spy For Germany  -Nadja Tiller     $50  The Ice Palace  -Robert Ryan  S.F.
   $160  A Tale Of Two Cities  -Ronald Colman   $50  Interval  -Merle Oberon  -S.F.
   $50  Tears From A Silver Dipper –Chuck Connors   $50  I Ought To be In Pictures  -Walter Mattheau  -S.F.
                                             $50  Kidnapped  -Michael Caine  -S.F.
   COLOUR SHORT FILMS                        $50  Last Salute To The Commodore -
   $20  Arabian Children  -B.W. -20Min.      $50  The Lawyer  -Barry Newman  -S.F.
   @0  Australian Sportlight –Tennis-20Min.B.W.   $50  Little Cigars  -Angel Tomkins  -S.F.
   $20  The Big Band -=Artie Shaw -20Min. S.F..   $50  Live A Little,Steal A Lot  -Robert Conrad  -S.F.
   $15  Birth Of A Port  -20min –S.F.        $50  The Long Goodbye  -Elliott Gould  -S.F.
   $15  Children Of Germany  -15Min.B.W.     $50  Looking For Mr.Goodbar  -Richard gere  -S.F.
   $30  Cinesound Newsreel-B.W.              $50  Loot  -Richard Attenborough  -S.F.
   $15  Coastal Birdlife  -15Min.  –B.W      $50  Madam X  -Lana Turner,Burgess Meredith  -S.F.
   $25  Crocodile Hunters –Film Australia.12Min.B.W.   $50  The Man  -James Earl Jones  -S.F.
   $20  The Everglades -#0Min.B.W.           $50  Man In The Wilderness  -Richard Harris  -S.F.
   $25  A Fable  -Columbia.-20Min.           $80  Man With Bogart”s Face  -George Raft –Good Colour
   $20  Faces Of The City –Film Aust. -20Min.   $50  Marriage Go Round – James Mason,Susan Hayward  -,S.F.
   $20  Fang Face –Cartoon -20Min.           $50  Memories In My Mind  -Keenan Wynn  -S.F.
   $20  Five Aboriginal Dances From Cape York -12Min.B.W.  32  $90 The Peeper  -Michael Caine  -Cinemascope –S.F.
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