Page 36 - Microsoft Word - RDcover11_03.doc
P. 36


      35mm projection lenses, all 70.6mm diameter barrel:

      45mm Schneider. 55mm Schneider. 55mm ISCO. 70mm ISCO. 70mm ISCO.
      90mm ISCO. 90mm Schneider. 95mm ISCO.115mm ISCO. 120mm ISCO. 130mm
      ISCO. 145mm Schneider. 145mm ISCO.
                                                                $75.00 each

      1  3  5  m  m     I  S  C  O  ,     6  2  .  5  m  m     b  a  r  r  e  l  .                 $  6  0  .  0  0

      2 ISCO Cinemascope lenses, fit in front of primes.        $200.00 each

      Schneider min/mag zoom, will increase/decrease image, fits in front of prime.
                                                                $  1  5  0  .  0  0

      16mm projection lens

      ISCOVAR zoom, 0.8  -  1.3, currently sleeved to suit Hokushin.  $150.00

      Easton winders.

      $15.00 each, $25.00 a pair. Springlocks to suit, $7.50 each

      Aluminium split reels (American  -  Goldberg or HFC)

      16mm  1000/1200       $25.00 each
      16mm   2000/2400      $40.00 each
      35mm  1000/1200       $30.00 each
      35mm  2000/2400       $45.00 each

      35mm painted leader

      Various colours, including white.           $20.00 per 1000’ roll

      Please contact:

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