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16 MM Movtes

            Features for Sale

            LOVER COME BACK  (1961)  D. Delbert Mann. C. Doris Day, Rock Hudson, Tony Randall.
                                 Biting advertising satire & hilarious romantic comedy.
                                 Exc. Print but pink.                                                $30.00

            SHALL WE DANCE  (1937\ D. Mark Sandrich. C. Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers-
                                Brilliant dance numbers to Gershwin  music.  Good B & W dupe-       $ 130.00

            THE STORY  OF VERNON & IRENE CASTLE (1939)  D. H.C.Potter.  C. Fred Astaire,
                                Ginger Rogers, Edna May Oliver, Walter Brennan. Story of a famous
                                husband & wife dance team using their original style. Exc. Print.   s17s.00

            Shorts for sale

            THE THREE MUSKETEERS: Douglas Fairbanks  Snr. B&W Excerpt. 8'                             s10.00
            DRAWING THE LINE: Best of the works ofAustralian  Cartoonists.  Col. 20'                 $1s.00
            THE TRAVELS OF ST PAUL: traces the path of St Paul from Turkey to Malta. Col.25'         $10.00
            THE LACQUER ROOM: Art of Grace  Cossinglon  Smith of hr painting of a cafe, Col. l0'      $s.00

            16 mm Wanted
            THE SINGING FOOL: Al Jolson.
            DAMSEL IN DISTRESS: Fred Astaire, George  & Gracie Burns.
            HOLLYWOOD  & THE STARS:Episodes:
            Sirens, Symbols & Glamor Girls
            The Immortal Al Jolson
            How To Succeed As a gangster
            The Unsinkable Bette Davis
            The Great Lovers
            Paul Newman  Actor in a Hurry
            Natalie Wood: Hollywood Children's
            The Wild & Wonderful 30's.

            THE HISTORY  OF THE MOTION  PICTURE:  Various Episodes.

            COLIN DANIELS,
            2172 Well Street, Brighton,  Vic. 3 1 86.
            Phone: 03 9592 8830.

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