Page 32 - RD_Dec2012.pdf
P. 32


                REEL DEALS

                If you have been trying to access the RD web site in recent times – sorry!

                Somehow, someone hacked into the name server and redirected all traffic to a
                “parking” web site advertising Travel Deals.

                Of course the name registrar blamed the service provider, and you guessed it, the

                service provider blamed the registrar – a no win situation, so I gave them both the

                This has now been corrected and the RD site is up and running again, with a new
                opening page. I am progressively updating the site and hope to have it completed
                within a few weeks.

                Please also note: Access can now only be gained by using the correct URL –


                NEW WEB SITES

                While they were available, I registered two now web sites and they are currently
                being developed. Only a ‘holding’ page is accessible at present.


                I was surprised to find such a prominent name to be still available. I intend to offer

                parts and accessories for the home showman on this site – items like lamps, reels,
                leader, maybe even films in due course.  On line payment via PayPal or credit card
                will be part of it.


                Cinepix is what I call my home cinema.  I registered it as a business name some years
                ago, and when it became available as a web address, I grabbed it. In due course, I
                intend to add a picture gallery of images that have appeared in Reel Deals over the

                years, as well as items from my collection and my Home Theatre images.
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