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the names of the various local roads, such as expired but copies are available from The Brit-
Miles Way, Comet Way, Hurricane Way, Spit- ish Library for the cost of photocopies to callers
fire Way, Perimeter Road and many others. but for an all inclusive charge of £10 if ordered
by phone.
In 1993 the Museum of Berkshire Aviation was
established on part of the remaining ground 4. "Sound Reasoning' "Development in Detail"
previously occupied by the Miles factory near No. 9 by Robert Russell. The Miles Magazine,
where Douglas Bader crashed in 1931. Al- October 1947 pp. 32-38.
though the Museum has several thousands of
feet of 16 mm film which is currently being 5. Amateur Cine World "As a Matter of Fact"
examined and catalogued no trace of the Harper by Locum. November 1947 pp. 442 and 445. 6.
system has come to light. As the Film and Amateur Cine World "As a Matter of Fact" by
Video archivist of the Museum I shall be very Locum. February 1948 pp. 443 and 445. Ama-
glad if any reader can add to the present knowl- teur Cine World. Letter to Editor from C. E.
edge of the Harper system. It would also be very Cantwell plus illustration of three frames of
interesting to know what 35 mm films were Harper film. January 1962 pp. 44.
printed onto the Harper system and what dem-
onstrations, public or private were given. Ref. 7 This article was originally published in
includes a picture of three frames of a 16 mm Amateur Cine Enthusiast (ACE) maga-
projection print. It will be seen that the films are zine. (U.K.)
instantly recognisable by the unusual perfora-
tions. Fig. 3. It was reproduced in Reel Deals with the
permission of the author and ACE
Acknowledgments are due to the following for
supplying information to assist in the compila-
tion of this article:- Why does Sunday 14 th
Mrs Jean Fostekew. Chairman of the Commit- June ring a bell?
tee of the Trustees of the Museum of Berkshire
Aviation for the loan of Reference 4. Gerald
McKee for discussion and a copy of Ref. 7. Its the
Roderick Bale for Ref 6. Warton Parfitt for Ref. CATHS
1. "One Hundred Years of Film Sizes" Michael
Rogge. Fotographica Society, Netherlands in FAIR
1996 (in Dutch). Reproduced in Reel Deals in
2. "Early History of Amateur Motion Picture
Film" Glenn E. Matthews & Raife G. Tarking- THE Scout Hall
ton. Journal of the SMPTE March 1955. Vol-
ume 64 pp 105 - 116. Bellairs Ave. Seddon
3. Patent Specification No. 509009. January 4th (Melbourne)
1938 and July 4th 1939 "Improvements in Ap-
paratus for use with 16 mm combined Sound From 9.30am
and Picture Film". The Patent has long since
REEL DEALS June 2015 25