Page 33 - 2015-06
P. 33

Leave Her to Heaven (1945)          We  have  received  so  many  suggestions
        The Fallen Idol (1948)              and ideas for future versions of the festival
                                            that it will take us many years to use them
        Highlights of the festival included a recre-  all. Still, we can say that the success of the
        ation of the Magnascope presentation of  first  year  has  prompted  us  to  announce
        the final reel of PORTRAIT OF JENNIE,  that the 2016 edition of The Nitrate Pic-
        and  THE  FALLEN  IDOL,  which  was  our  ture Show will take place on April 29 -
        "Blind Date with Nitrate," a title that was  May 1 at the historic Dryden Theatre. For
        held  back  until  the  moment  it  hit  the  all of you that weren't able to make it this
        screen.                             year,  we  hope  that  you'll  be  able  to  ar-
                                            range  it  in  2016.  And  for  all  of  you  that
        William Wellman, Jr. attended the festival  attended  the  first  festival,  thank  you  for
        and  introduced  A  STAR  IS  BORN  on  making it such a success, and we hope to
        Thursday night as well as NOTHING SA-  have you back again.
        CRED on Saturday afternoon. He signed
                                            Jared Case
        copies of his new book Wild Bill Wellman:
                                            Head of Collection Information, Research,
        Hollywood Rebel after each show. Friday  and Access, Moving Image Department.
        afternoon we were pleased to host Roger  Executive  Director,  The  Nitrate  Picture
        Smither,  David  Bordwell,  and  Kevin
        Brownlow  for  lectures  about  nitrate  film
        and its era, which were also followed by
        book signings.

        One  of  the  most  popular  events  of  the
        weekend  (the  tickets  sold  out  the  first
        weekend they were offered) was our work-
        shops  on  How  to  Make  Nitrate  Film.
        George  Eastman  House's  Photographic
        Process  Historian  Marc  Osterman  and
        Historic Process Specialist Nick Brandreth
        gave  three  groups  of  attendees  the
        chance  to  see,  on  a  small  scale,  how
                                            Source: Internet
        nitrate  film  is  mixed  and  cast,  and  how
        emulsion is applied to the film.    Submitted by: Juergen Kellermann
                                            More Reading:

                                                     REEL DEALS June 2015   33
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