Page 20 - 2015-09
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The  projectionist  of  News-Luxe,  Ron  where the National Library already carried
        Israel, had made the front of house dis-  documentary  films,  had  begun  getting
        play  by  blowing  up  images  from  the  silent classics for the country’s burgeoning
        frames  of  the  old  film  itself  (2).  In  the  film  society  movement  and  was  under-
        8×10  form,  they  were  planted  around  stood  to  be  concerned  with  preserving
        Sydney’s  several  (then)  newspapers  and  Australian films. But just what would the
        in  magazines  like  Pix  and  Australian  Library  do  with   ?  Would
        Monthly. John Burke, the committee mem-  other groups be able to see this wonderful
        ber  with  a  camera,  roamed  Woolloo-  old charmer of quintessential Sydney?
        mooloo and Potts Point for contemporary
        comparisons.  Some  surprised  now-adult  Frustrated  as  time  passed,  SUFG  seized
        members  of  the  cast  found  themselves  the conclusion of a tour by Mary Field, a
        standing on stage for the smash opening  British specialist in children’s films, to pop
        night. The film’s innocent comic verve and  a 16 mm print in her bag. Under the threat
        clever social insights, along with views of  that the negative would also be shipped to
        old Sydney, delighted two further nights of  the National Film Library in London, Can-
        the gown and town audiences, even if the  berra finally came through with an accep-
        1.33  images  looked  askew  in  the  1.37  tance  telegram.  The  film  was  safe  and
        gates.                              SUFG was off the hook.

                                            These days, the catalogue of the National
        Clearly,  the  film  had  to  be  preserved,
        something  unheard  of  at  that  time.  The  Film and Sound Archive lists nine versions
        Group now had the cash to pay for a 35  and formats of      . Some have
        mm negative to be duped off at Automatic  many subsidiary copies. There is generous
                                                                     , the 1967
                                            excerpting in
        Film  Lab  in  Dowling  St.  Everyone  just  call-to-arms film by Anthony Buckley and
        knew that the film should go to Canberra,

        20  REEL DEALS   September 2015
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