Page 23 - 2015-03
P. 23
film titles featured each year on anything The problem with the “average” film so-
but 16mm prints. ciety today is that they are all chasing the
ubiquitous “latest and the greatest” goal.
Projection is on trusty Bell and Howell They only want to screen the latest video
machines. A stable of spare 1692’s and releases. In fact, they’ve lost sight of the
1695’s is an insurance against break- original aim of the film society movement
downs! For the projectionist, unlike with to program from the entire output of the
digital there’s nothing to compare with cinema’s heritage… not just merely
the thrill of locating Technicolor prints of screen the most recent. If you really want
wanted titles; nor the constant pleasure of to see only the latest you’d see them better
making invisible reel changes; or putting in your local Multiplex rather than on
together unique supporting programs some inferior digital projector in a public
comprising everything from old silent hall!
sepia prints to “Silly Symphonies”, serial
chapters, old newsreels and trailers and If you’re interested in what’s going on out
historical Australiana. at the Plaza Cinema in Mitcham why not
call their Information Officer, Barbara on
Try this on video? No way! For so many (03) 9873 3508. The group always wel-
of the short films have never been put on comes visitors at their mini-cinema which
video (and never will). Sadly, the average is located behind St John’s Primary
film society says “who cares about School on Whitehorse Road (enter via
shorts!” Yet it’s with short film-making Elizabeth Street). Screenings are general-
that most of the world’s greatest film ly on the third Thursday of each month at
makers first cut their teeth before moving 7.30 pm sharp. Supper is included too!
on to features!
REEL DEALS March 2016 23