Page 9 - 2015-09
P. 9

James Paterson
                      Australian Television Archive, Broadcast Film & Video Digitisation

        The Restoration of Classic Australian Film, Spirits Of The Air, Gremlins Of The Clouds
        In 2015 James Paterson of the Australian Tel-  PAL Betamax recording, and a 3/4" U-matic
        evision Archive was given the task of restoring  videotape screener.
        the  classic  1980's  Australian  film: Spirits  of   "It did however present its own set of challenges"
        the Air - Gremlins of The Clouds.
                                            The interesting thing about "Spirits" was that
        Whilst the project was not for public release,  it was the first Australian film music sound-
        but  simply  for  the  client's  own  personal  ar-  track  to  be  mastered  digitally.  The  original
        chives, I wanted to do justice for this film the  PCM encoded music soundtrack mix still ex-
        same as I would if it were to be seen by mil-  isted,  recorded  onto  3/4"  U-matic  tape  (the
        lions.  It did however present its own set of  only way to record digital sound at the time).
        challenges, the main ones being that the only  To recover the digital audio required a special
        source material (for the vision) existed as two  PCM decoder/adaptor which converts the U-
        completely different video formats: a domestic

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