Page 34 - RD_2015_12
P. 34


        DIRECT DEPOSIT (on-line banking) – it is ESSENTIAL that your NAME
        appears in the Message / Reference details (not REEL DEALS sub**).

        OVER THE COUNTER (at a bank) – The bank will generally NOT include
        a name in deposit details, but will allow a reference number – Please tell
        them to insert your Street No. + Post Code for identification.
                          (In my case,that would be 2453218)
        As a back-up, please email me the details of your deposit

         ** IMPORTANT:  If you put “Reel Deals Sub” or similar notation in
             your payment details, there is no way of knowing who the payment
             is from.

         The following payment options are available.

        AUSTRALIA      Cheque                 ACCOUNT DETAILS:
                       Money Order
                       Cash                   AC NAME:      REEL DEALS
                       Direct Deposit         BANK:         ANZ
                                              BSB           013642
                                              AC NO:        594953326

                                              PayPal Account:

        OVERSEAS - Via direct deposit into the above PayPal account or Credit
        Card via PayPal

        NEW ZEALAND – Direct deposit in NZ dollars into my (NZ) ANZ bank

         New Zealand Account Details           Payment can also be made by
                                               PayPal or Credit Card via the
         AC Name:       MR+BJ TRICKETT
                                               Reel Deals web site at –
         Bank:          ANZ
         Branch:     NEW LYNN – AUCKLAND
         BBC:           010186        
         A/C:           0293883 55

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