Page 24 - RD_2019-03.ppp
P. 24
And, as the times change, so does the market. Although video reduced the demand for projectors, Bauer
maintained its share of the world market and actually increased market share in some countries. But
reduced output meant that production capaci-
ty was under-utilized, causing an increase in
unit costs. Production, along with all of the
test equipment and the machinery for manu-
facturing small parts, was transferred to the
sewing machine factory of Pfaff in Karlsruhe.
This was also a Bosch enterprise and in this
way the machinery could be used for different
purposes and the price of the P8 projectors
kept to a minimum. In the end the P8 projec-
tors were the only ones left that were made
with this great trademark.
With thanks to Robert Bosch GmbH and
Produktbereich Photokino.
P8 T400 with a high pressure gas lamp
This article first appeared in Back Focus, the journal of the
Australian Photographic Collectors’ Society Inc. It is repro‐
duced with the permission of the author and Back Focus.
24 REEL DEALS March 2019