Page 7 - RD_2019-09
P. 7
chamber on either side with light traps,
and these are separated by a light-
proof panel. The lens is a
Voigtlander projection objective. (The
machine is really a combined camera-
17.5 mm centre perforation Biokam film
I believe this apparatus is, or rather was,
of Continental origin, and as far as I can
ascertain, this veteran must have been
marketed somewhere round about the
year 1900 : surely a real if primitive sub-
standard pioneer !
The image above shows how the gate
is opened for loading the film and how the
body can be removed altogether for
reversing or for fitting a lamp-house for Article reproduced from Home Movies and
projection purposes. Home Talkies - October 1936 edition.
The Biokam sales brochure reproduced on the next page, shows
the unit sold for (UK) six pounds and six shillings, equivalent to
about (UK) 800 pounds or AU$ 1500.00 today.
REEL DEALS December 2019 7EEL DEALS December 2019 7