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Figure  3.  Interior  View  of  Recording  Truck.  Recorder  proper  is  at  the  center.
           The assistant mixer operates  all  of the equip-  sent  to  the  "main  gain  amplifier",  which  has
         ment  in  the  portable  sound  truck  in which  the   about  80  db  gain  and  an  undistorted  output
         recorder  is  located.  The  inside  of  one  of these   of  400  milliwatts  from  the  pair  of  71's  in  the
         trucks  is  shown  in  figure  3.   output  stage.
           The  cable  man  handles  the  cables  to  the   From  here  the  sound  goes  into  two  "bridg-
         various  microphones,  which  are  placed  and  op-  ing  amplifiers".  One  of  these  drives  a  monitor
         erated  by  the  stage  man.  On  large  sets  it   speaker;  the  other  actuates  the  vibrator  on  the
         sometimes  becomes  necessary  to  use  more  than   recording  machine.  Bridging  amplifiers  have
         one  stage  man.                    an  output  of  about  two  watts.
           Several  types  of  microphones  were  in  evi-  In  addition  to  the  sound  recording  machine,
         dence  on  the  various  sets,  the  most  common   the  assistant  mixer  has  control  or  the  motion
         ones  being  Western  Electric  618-A  and  630-A   picture  camera.  The  motors  on  both  recorder
         dynamics.  RCA velocity mikes  were  seen most-  and  camera  are  electrically  interlocked  with  a
         ly  where  the  field  of  acrion  was  stationary  and   "master  distributor",  also  located  in  the  truck.
         the  mike  was  not  being  swung  around  on  a   This  master  distributor  consists  of  a  three-
         "boom".  It seems  that  ribbon  mikes  are  very   phase  generator  driven  by  a  d.  c.  motor.  This
         sensitive  to  vibration  :tnd  to  swishing  air  cur-  motor  has  built  into  it  a  720  cycle  a.c.  wind-
         rents  encountered  in  a  wind  or  when  swing-  ing,  and  the  voltage  generated  by  this  wind-
         ing  the  mike  around  to  follow  the  action.   ing  is  used  as  a  speed  control  through  a  sys-
           In  the  schematic  diagram,  sound  is  shown   tem  of  vacuum  tube  relays.
         entering  the  microphone,  which  transforms  the   After  a  day's  work  by  the  production  crew,
         sound  energy  to  electrical  energy.  The  micro-  there  are  two  films  ready  fo r  processing  in
         phone is  coupled  to  its  respective  pre-amplifier,   the  "film  laboratory"  (department  B) ;  one  is
         which  is  usually  placed  in  the  rear  of  the  mix-  the  picture  taken  by  the  camera  and  the  other
         ing  table.  These  pre-amplifiers  have  a  gain  of   the  sound  film  made  b  the  recorder.  For
         about  45  db.                      technical  reasons,  positiYe  fiLm  is  used  for
           The  signal,  at  a  level  controlled  by  the   sound  recording  and  panchromatic  negative
         mixer,  is  then  sent  to  the  recording  truck,   film  for  the  cameras.
         which  is  located  near  the  set.  On  the  T,wen-  In  the  film  processin  laboratory,  develop-
         tieth  Century  Fox  lot,  the  entire  recording   ing  of  both  films  takes  place.  To  obtain  a
         channel, with the exception of the mixing chan-  finished  "print"  of  either  type  (sound  or  pic-
         nel,  is  tndunted  in  the  recording  tntck.   ture)  each  must  be  transferred  to  a  positive
           I Tpnn  reachihg  the  ttuck.  tht>  si/Zn~l  is  first   stock.  Tf  sound  alone  i  desired,  one  printing
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