Page 6 - RD_2020-12
P. 6


            From Kev Franzi’s series “The Time Machines”

        It is regrettable that so many important
        decisions in our lives are made when
        we  are  still teenagers - and very "wet
        behind the ears".
        In a moment of aberration, I was about
        to  make  such  a  decision.  "Hoyts
        Theatres  Pty  Ltd  require  Assistant
        Projectionists  and  Trainee  Assistants
        for number of Suburban Cinemas" the
        advertisement   read.   Mmmm,

        Now I was very happy with my job at  The Padua Theatre, Brunswick, Vic. Image: CATHS Archive
        the  Commonwealth  Films  Division
        working in the labs and helping, from
        time to time, to make documentary films. But  So, I found myself with the illustrious title of
        progress  is  never  fast  enough  when  you're  Second Assistant Operator (Trainee) at Hoyts
        young. Imagine working in a beautiful picture  Padua  Theatre  in  Brunswick  (Melbourne).  I
        theatre, operating a pair of magnificent 35 mm  even  had  a  licence  issued  by  the  Health
        projectors, seeing all those great Feature Films  Department.  In  those  days,  strict  regulations
        free. The pay was good too … and all those  required all projection room staff to be trained
        gorgeous usherettes! Then, working at night, I  and  licensed  because  of  the  fire  hazard
        would  have  the  whole  day  for  my  associated  with  nitrate  film  and  the  risk  to
        photography. Yes! That sounded good to me.  public safety.
                                            The Padua Theatre was Hoyts' pride and joy,
                                            being the last theatre built just prior to World
                                            War II, and it was still state of the art in the late
                                            1940s.  It  boasted  three  standard  Simplex
                                            projectors mounted on the latest pre-war RCA
                                            sound heads with the famous rotary stabilizers.
                                            Wow!  My  job  was  to  clean,  lubricate  and
                                            LEFT:  This  Simplex  Projector  is  identical  to  the
                                            three used in the Padua Theatre, Brunswick. The
                                            Simplex was common throughout the Hoyts circuit.
                                            They were quiet, reliable and completely enclosed.
                                            All the 1916 models were modified to rear shutter
                                            operation and this one entertained generations of
                                            patrons  at  the  Wintergarden  Theatre,  Ipswich,
                                            Queensland, for  half a century.
        6  REEL DEALS    December 2020
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