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        While everyone has been busy celebrating the centenaries of the 9.5mm and 16mm
        centenaries., Another milestone has crept up on everyone.
        In 1964, the Japanese manufacturer FUJI took a concept camera to the World Fair,
        showing off its new Single-8 Film format.

        Although the film is thinner, the frame dimensions of Single-8 such as the sprocket
        holes  and  sound  track  are  the  same  as  Super  8.  Which  meant  Single-8  could  be
        projected on Super 8 projectors and vice versa. The film base was polyester, which
        could not be spliced using the conventional film cement process. Fuji produced a tape
        splicer for joining their film.

        Single-8 had a number of advantages over Kodak’s Super 8. Having the supply and
        take-up reels in line one above the other, made full rewinding of the film in the camera
        was  possible.  This  meant  that  double  exposures,  lap  dissolves,  and  other  special
        effects that the more advanced used wanted was possible. The design also utilised the
        camera’s own gate and pressure plate, rather that the plastic pressure plate built into
        the Kodak Super 8 cartridge.

        Although thought by many to be superior to Super 8, Single-8 was no where as popular
        as Kodak’s Super 8, mainly due to the prominence of the Kodak brand around the world.
        Below:  The Fujica P1.  Its slim design is possible due to the narrowness of the film cartridge. Note the
        camera’s interior showing the supply and take-up spindles and the automatic placement of the film into
        the film gate when the film is loaded.     (Cinepix Collection)

        22     REEL DEALS  March  2024
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