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•        JUNE- JULY  (;OMPETI  ON
                       •• Floral Fancies ~~

          "I  leave  my  heart  in  an  English   does  not  lie  with  the  recognis  d
        garden "  •  •  .  •  Nothing  quite  so   forms  of  cultivated  flowers   nd
        dramatic or fanciful  as this is required   bushes,  but with  the lesser known,  but
        for  the  June/ July  competition  -  none  the  less  beautiful,  cactus  plants.
        merely  your  interpretation  of  the   No  matter what your  choice  may  b  ,
        beauties  that  abound  in  gardens  at   each  entry  will  be  judged  according
        this  time  of  year.  The  competition   to it's merits.
        is  not  limited  to  the  private  garden   The  subject  too  does  not  limit  tho
        either.  Public  parks,  the  woods  and   cinematographer  to  one  particular
        the  English  countryside  as  a  whole,   angle  of  "shooting"  either  -  long-
        all  these  can  become  the  subject for   shots,  mid-shots,  close-ups,  panor-
        your competition  entry.  The  beauty   amas,  all  can  be  employed  in  tho
        of  the  rose,  just  breaking  from  it's   making  of  your  prize-winning  film.
        bud,  the  sparkle  of  the  dew  or  rain   The  family  too  c  n  bo  woven  into
        upon the open  petals, even the  petals   your  pattern  of  filming,  thus  m  king
        themselves  lying  carelessly  upon  the   it  not  only   comp  tition  ntry  but
        ground,  these  and  a  thousand  and   also  a  p  rson  I film  to  b  tr  sur  d
        one  other  similar  examples  can  be   for  y  rs  to  com  .   Wh  th  r  of
        captured,  not  just  for  a  fleeting   window-box  s  or  wid
        moment,  but  permanently  upon  your   send  now  your  ntry  for
        film.   It  may  be  that  your  choice   Fancies"  comp  tition.

                 FESTIVAL  OF BRITA  N

              Every  month,  until  the  Festival  closes  in  September,  and  in  addition  to
        the  normal  competitions,  a  special  prize  of  £5  Os.  Od.  will  be  awarded  for  the
        best film  submitted  of the  Festival  of Britain  celebrations.  The  competition  for
        each  month  will  close  on  the  21st  of  the  month  following,  i.e.  June  competition
        closes on the 21st July  1951.

        Published  by  Pathescope  Ltd.,  North  Circu lar  Road,  N. W.2,  and  l'rint<·d  hy  i\ lh ·rl
                                   Cricklcwood,  N. W .2.
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