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P. 2

             PATHES~OPE  MONTHLY
                                    '  Issued  by

                       PATHESCOPE                 LIMITED


            By  the  time  this  Editorial  gets  into  print  Christmas  will  be  over  and  only
         pleasant  memories of the happy and  exciting festivities v.'ill  remain.  It  is  certain
         however,  that  many  hundreds  of  newcomers  will  have  been  recruited  into  the
         ranks  of  the  ever growing  army  of 9.5mm.  enthusiasts.  Gifts of projectors and
         cameras will  have  been  received  with  enthusiasm  and  excitement and, doubtless,
         will  have  been  used  on  numerous  occasions  to satisfy  the  appetite  this  new  and
         fascinating  hobby  creates.  Already  the  keener  recipients  and  proud  owners
         will  be taking  active  measures to extend  their knowledge  of this subject-seeking
         new  methods  of  improving  camera  technique  or  projection  presentation.  At
         the same time  it is  certain that an even greater number  of people will  be indulg-
         ing  in  the  traditional  custom  of  making  New  Year  resolutions-some  of  which
         will  be  adhered  to  faithfully  and  some  which,  through  force  of  circumstances,
         will  be broken almost immediately.
            Seeking  knowledge  of  cinematography  or  the  ability  to  make  New  Year's
         resolutions  is  not  confined  to  the  individual  for,  indeed,  here  at  Pathescope
         similar activities are  pursued.  It  is  certainly  our  desire to accord  services to the
         cinematographer and  to  provide  all  the  requirements and  information  to enable
         the  best  possible  results  to  be  obtained  with  the  Home  Movie,  which,  without
         doubt,  is  the  most  desirable  medium  for  individual  self  expression.  In  this  con-
         nection  experiments  are  constantly  being  carried  out  with  a  view  to  obtaining
         fresh  knowledge  on  this  fascinating  subject-knowledge  which  in  turn  can  be
         passed  on  to  all  9.5mm.  enthusiasts.  Running  parallel  with  these  experiments  is
         the determined  resolution  to provide all  these new  facilities  at a  price well  within
         the range of all  pockets.
            The  year  1952,  unpredictable  as to its  events  and  changes,  is  certain  to  see
         an  ever  greater  popularity  in  the  realms  of  home  cinematography.  Whatever
         the  future  may  hold  in  store  Pathescope  Ltd.  will  endeavour  to  provide  equip-
         ment  which  will  ensure  every  satisfaction  and,  at  the  same  time,  enhance  the
         value and superiority of 9.5mm.  Home Movies.

            9.5mm.  FILM  LIBRARY  SERVICES
                  are offered  btl  the  following  dealers
         Messrs.  R.  W.  PROFFITT,  Ltd.,  49/ 51,  Knowsley  Street,  Bolton,  Lanes . .   Silent  and  Sound
         CROYDON  CINE  EXCHANGE,  38  South  End,  Croydon, Surrey  .   Silent  and  Sound
         FILM  LIBRARY  &  EXCHANG.E SERVICE,  314, Garrat lane, Earlsfield,
             London,  S.W.IB                     ...            Silent  and  Sound
         HAROLD  MORRIS  (Cameras)  Ltd.,  21,  Kingsland  High  St.,  London,  E.B   Silent
         GRAYS  CAMERA SHOP,  I,  St. James Street, Taunton,  Somerset ...   Silent
         NO  POSTAL  SERVICE  is  offered  by:-
         Messrs.  BIRMINGHAM  COMMERCIAl  FilMS,  Ltd.,  Camera  House,  Paradise  Street,
             Birmingham,  I.
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