Page 8 - pm_1952_01
P. 8
• Continuation of " .I' our Laboratory llanager Sn11N• ..
Before proceeding, it must not be forgotten that, by correcting 11 t..or·t· olio
colour rendering, we also decrease the overall exposure when a pplying 11 ·fiH· r
to the lens. This decrease must be borne in mind always and tho n ociJ~·. I o ry
increase in exposure MUST be added (see table in Pathescopo Mon·thly J un /
July 1951 issue). When using the Amber filter we increase exposul'l by on
stop, which gives the same overall density but darkens the blues c~ nrl liqld· n~
yellow/ reds and reds-in other words increases contrast.
The Yellow / Green filter when used requires an increase of 2 stops i1d i·h
Red/ Orange by 2! stops. Remember, filters lighten objects of their own lour
and darken complementary colours. The function of the other filters in our r1ong ·
is as follows :-
Light Green-darkens red and blue; lightens green.
Red-darkens green, darkens blue to black (used for mock night r suit·).
Ultra-Violet-cuts down Ultra-Violet rays at high altitude (Alpin fi nd
flying shots).
To close, let me remind you of the final filter which is of particular v c~ lu ' t
V.F. stock-the Grey or Neutral Density filter. This cuts exposure by 2 s·~ops
and has no effect on colour rendering, only a decrease in overall exposure.
Use your filters to assist your final result but never forget that with only i·h
one exception-the Neutral Density filter-they control your tones on tho photo-
graphic image and must be used with care.
The competition this month should ice are present then skating, curling,
appeal to all ages of cinematograph- tobogganing and icc-hock y may bo
ers both young and old alike, for added to tho list. An ontry may
Winter Sports has a large variety of consist entirely of ono sport or a om-
subjects. from which your entry may bination of sports, thoro is no limi·~ to
be selected. the number which may bo entered.
The contest is not confined to out- The rules for the competition are
door activities for there are many in- simple-the film must bo of Pathc-
door sports which attract hundreds of scope manufacture and must have
spectators throughout the season. been processed during the period of
As for the subjects they are as varied the competition. The finaf and clos-
and attractive as the ladies fashions. ing date for entries is February 22nd
Football, hockey, netball are the out- 1952. A prize of £5 will be awarded
standing examples, and if snow and for the best film submitted.
P ublished by P atheacope Ltd., N orth Circular Road, N. W.2, and Printed by Albert Clark & Co., Ltd
Cricklewood, N.W.2.