Page 16 - Cinerama_booklet
P. 16

"The  most  familiar  voice  in  history,"
                                                                                                  lowell Thomas  has won fame nat
                                                                                                 only as a  newscaster but  also as on
                                                                                                 explorer who  has  penetrated
                                                                                                  virtually every remote corner of the
                                                                                                  earth, the author af mare than
                                                                                                  40 books, and,  now,  the  man  behind
                                                                                                  one  of  the  most  revolutionary
                                                                                                  developments  in  the  entertainment
                                                                                                  world. A combat correspondent in
                                                                                                  World  War  I,  he  gained  national
                                                                                                  celebrity in  1924 when  his account
                                                                                                  of  his  adventures with  lawrence of
                                                                                                  Arabia was  published, and he has
                                                                                                  continued  to  make  news,  as  well  as
                                                                                                  broadcast it,  ever since.  His  most
                                                                                                  exciting  exploit?  Cinerama.
                                                                             LOWELL  THOMAS

                                             One of Hollywood's most adventurcius                 The  man "who blew  up  the movies"
                                             (ond  successful)  pioneers,                         is  a  mild-mannered bespectacled
                                             Merion  C.  Cooper begon  his  motiot)               gentleman in  his sixties whose long
                                             picture career with  the epoch  making               list  of  inventions  include water skis,
                                             documentaries "Grass" and "Chang",                   a  wind  indicator, a  camera  that
                                             has since continued to  make film                    takes a  360° picture, and the famous
                                             history by producing and / or directing              Photo-Metric  device  that  measures
                                             more than 75  features,  climaxed                    a  man  for a  suit of clothes in  a
                                             by  "THIS  IS  CINERAMA"  for  which  he             fiftieth  of a  second. Cinerama  is  the
                                             was  bath  co-producer  and  co-direcior.            result of  more  than  fifteen
                                             Off the screen he has pursued an equally             painstaking years of research and
                                                                                                  development, which  began when
                                             dramatic  career  as  one  of  aviation's
                                             early  and  most  enthusiastic  supporters.          Waller was head of  Paramount's
                                                                                                  special effects department and
                                             A veteran airman himself, "Coop" served
                                                                                                  started  seeking  a  mechanical  means
                                             during  World  War  II  as  Chief  af  Staff,
                                                                                                  of  reproducing  on  o  screen  virtually
                                             respectively,  for  Generals  Chennault,
                                                                                                  the  entire  range  of  huma-n  vision.
                                             Kenny  and  Whitehead.
                       MERIAN  C.  COOPER                                      FRED  WALLER
                                            What Fred Waller is  to Cinerama,                     Robert l. Bendick, the young
                                            Hazard  Reeves  is  to  CineramaSaund 1               co-producer of "This  Is  Cinerama,"
                                            the unique sound system that                          brought to the challenging
                                          •  completes  Cinerama's  breathtaking                  assignment of  making  the first
                                            illusion  af  reality.  In  1928  Reeves              picture in  the new  medium  a  colorful
                                            arrived  in  New York  with an                        background  as  combat  cameraman,
                                            engineering degree from  Georgia                      writer, and  television  executive.  As
                                            Tech  and  two years  later opened his                head of the News and Special  Events
                                            own  recording  studio that soan  grew                Department of CBS,  he was
                                            into the  largest  in  the east. When                 responsible  for  the first  telecast of
                                            war came along  Reeves  and  his                      the national Republican and
                                            associates founded  Reeves-Ely                        Democratic Conventions in  1948, the
                                             laboratories to  make electronic                     first  televised  baseball game, and  a
                                            products, and  by the end of the war                  series of  programs  on  the  United
                                            had won  the  Army-Navy "E" Award                     Nations which won  for  him  the
                                             four  separate times.  He  is  now president         Peabody Award, television's highest
                                             of  Reeves  Soundcratt Studio.                       honor.
                                                                            ROBERT  L.  BENDICK


               TECHNICAL  DIRECTION             MUSICAL DIRECTOR  Louis  Forbes,  CAMERAMAN  Harry  Squire,
                                                ASST.  CAMERAMAN  Jack  Priestly,  SOUND  Richard  J.  Pietschmann,  Jr.,
                                                FILM  EDITOR Bill  Henry, PAINTINGS Mario  Larrinaga
                                                SOUND EFFECTS Reeves Sound Studios
                        EUROPEAN  AND
                                                SUPERVISED  BY  MICHAEL TODD  AND MICHAEL  TODD,  JR.

                              PROLOGUE          SUPERVISED  BY  WALTER  THOMPSON

                                                PILOTED  BY  PAUL  MANTZ/ .AIR  SPEED  RECORD  HOLDER

                                                SALT  LAKE  CITY  TABERNACLE  CHOIR,  VIEN NA  BOYS.  CHO IR,
                                                THE  LONG  ISLAND  CHORAL  SOCIETY
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