Page 7 - Cinerama_booklet
P. 7
Cinerama is more than a novel motion
picture technique. It is an entirely new
method of human communication. Ever
since the days when gasping Greek run-
ners carried the breathless news of battle
to their countrymen, mankind has learn-
ed of the world it lives in from various
combinations of words and pictures-in
our own time through the medium of the
printed page, of radio and fllms and
television. Cinerama goes one momen-
tous step further; with its three cameras,
its huge screen, and its revolutionary
sound-recording system it achieves the
effect of making its audience actual par-
ticipants in the scene unreeling around
them. Instead of bringing the outside
world to man it takes man to the most
distant reaches of the earth and lets him
experience for himself the events that
are taking place there.
In our flrst and frankly experimental
Cinerama production, the audience is
transported to Spain to see a bullfight,
to Milan to see an opera, to the nose of
any army bomber to see the Grand
Canyon from the air. A hundred years
from now-who knows?-ourgreat-great
grandchildren may similarly visit, by
means of Cinerama, the hot red plains
of Mars or the vast and airless valleys
of the moon. For modern science, that
has already split the atom and begun
the conquest of cosmic space, has made
at last a practical reality of the mythical
flying carpet.
Roller Coaster sequence cou rtesy Rockaways' Playland Amusement Park, New York