Page 7 - motorcamera-h
P. 7

The  Motocamera  is  daylight  loading,  but
      handling  the  chargers  in  direct  sunlight  must
       be  avoided.  Before  and  after  use  they  must
       be kept wrapped in the packing provided.
         (a)  To  place  the  cha1'ge1'  in  position:  Make
      sure  that  the  filmguide  is  clean.  Withdraw
       about  1/ 2-inch.  of  film  from  the upper slot  "b"
      of  the  charger  (jig.  4).  Do  not  pull  film  from
      the  lower  slot  "g",  you  might  detach  the  film
      from the winding core.
        Place  the  charger  in  the  Motocamera  (jig.  5)
      so  that  the  Motocamera  take-up- dogs  are
      engaged  in  the  charger  winding  core  "n"  (jig.
      4 and 5).
        The film must pass between filmguide "c" and
      presser  "d"  in  jig.  5.  If necessary  press  into
      place with the finger.
        (b)  To close the presser:  Push knobs "a" (fig.  3)
 ;7   downwards.
        At  the  same  time  make  sure  that  the
      charger  is  lying  flat  on  the  mechanism
      plate,  and  that,  the  presser  being  closed,
      the  film  is  correctly  in  the  filmguide ;  the
      film  must  not  be  visible  above  the  edge
      of  the  filmguide,  and  must  be  well  behind
      the  top  and bottom of the presser.
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