Page 10 - motorcamera-h
P. 10
Exposure Ln'rllCatd~· FROM APRIL 'I
The instructions in the table giveu SEPTEMBE R
hereunder will help you to avoid the Subject
most serious errors in adjusting t he
d iaphragm. They have reference to the in the Sky clear or W t
hours between 9 a. m. a nd 3 p. rn. white clouds .
Before and after these times use the sun.
aperture stop inu ned iatcly larger than S zm not shining
that given (i. c. the next smaller the subject.
- --- -------~
Aerial v_iev .. 'S (clouds, aeropla nes,
etc.) Distant Panoramas 1.4 10
Beach views. Sno'v scenes 1+ 10
Landscape with foliage 10 7
Street scenes, open alr gatnes.
Light coloured monuments,
fields, river banks 7 5
Dark coloured m onuments 5 3.5
Portraits. (Do not take portraits
in the sun ) 5 3.5
Under foliage. Light i ntcriors,
near large bay windows 3.5 2.5
Wbenever the table shows a diaphragm of f. 7 to f. 1+, one
lower than that shown ,on the table (for exa mple, instead of f. 10, usc f.j
Usc of the yellow fi lter will avoid the preponderant actiou
rendering of foliage, distances, a nd cloudy skies.
With SS. Pan. film use the aperture immediately
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