Page 18 - RD1993-11
P. 18
16mm Colout Feature Filma in Excellent Condiuon
\\ARlt'1 MoL<- (o<_) '\b 1. ;t 3o9
~ 180 Unla Princess, A, BBC production $200 Phantom of the Opero, Ma.imillion Schell, Michoel
>160 Linomonia, Roger Dahry York
1200 Long GoodBye, The. Ellion Gould, Arnold $200 Pink Panthor, The. Poter Sellars
Schwatzonegger $180 Pippen, Rock Musical
) 180 Lovely Way To Die, A. Kirk Douglas. Eli MacGraw $180 Plfanha 11. Stevo Marochuk, Tricio O'neill
>200 Macabe and Mrs Miller, Worren Beany, Julie $150 Play it as it Lays, Tueiday WelcJ, Anthony Perkins
Christie S180 Please Don't Eat the Daisies. Doris Day, David
$180 Mackintosh Man. Paul Newman. James Muon Niven
$160 Madam Sin, Bene Davis $200 Pocket lull of Miracles. A. Bene Davis, Glenn Ford
>200 Madwoman at Chaillot. Katherine ~lepburn $150 Poinr, The, Cartoon fe~ture
>180 Magic, Anthony Hopkins, Ann Maroafet 1180 Pretty Poison. Anthon~~tv Perkins, Tuesday Weld
II IlO Main Event, Barbara Stroisantl $220 Prince of lh• C•ty. FuaJ Wllll.-ms. Jeuy Orb3th 161 .
$160 M:on In the Wilderness. The. Ricllard Harris, John
Huston $200 Pt~soner ol Second Avenue, The. Jack L•rnmon,
s 190 Man Who Had Power Over Women. James Booth, Annu aancroh
Carol White tlllO Pr•sonor of the Volga, John Derek, ·I. B.
$180 Ma:n Who Understood Women. Les.lie C~ron. T echn1colour
Henry Fonda $1 60 Pt~vote School, Sylvia KriSlol
1200 Man with a Million, Gregory Peck $150 Project Kill, leslie Neilson
1220 Marilynn, Marilyn Monroe. Musical $100 Ouest lor Fire. The. Academy award
.180 Masquerade. Jack Hawkins. Clift Robertson $1 60 Ouestor Tapes. The. Rol>en Foxworth
$160 May·Doy at Forty Thousand Feet, Ray Mtlland $200 Rachel. Rachel. Paul Nowrnan, Joanne Woodward,
$180 Mayerling, Omah Sharif, James Mason. Catherine James Olson
Oenevue $180 Raue. Stolla Stevens, Glen Ford
5180 McHale• Novy Versus the Ailforco. Tom Conway $200 R.3Qm~ns OauQhtcr, the Simon Aouss, Vic tori;a
~d"'oht-Gowboy;-9.,,.;tHiollmo~tt-JJ"iOkt- TennO)nt
s t 80 Minute to Pray, A Second to Dio, Robert Ryan, $1 80 Reti.'Cts, The. Steve McOue.,n, Will Gcer
Arthur Kennedy $200 Return of il t.1an Ct~~llcd Horse. Richar" Hauis
1150 Mission to Monte Carlo. Rooeer Moore $180 Retutn of the Ashas
1200 Missouri Breaks. Marion Brando, Jack Nicholson $180 Rhino, Robert Culp
s 160 Moon Shine, Albert Salvi $200 RootS ol Heaven. Errol Flynn
1200 Murder By Decree. Christopher Plummer, James $120 Roots serie.: 2 Hours each 16 Episodes)
Mason $160 Rosernarys Baby II. Ruth Roman, Roy Mllland
1220 Nanny, Tho. Bene Davis. Wendy Craig $250 Rumours 01 War, 200 Minu1es, Brad Davis, Keith
$180 New Cancurions, The. Georoe C Scoll C~tr"cJ•ne
$250 Now York, New York. Robert De Niro, liza Minelli $350 Ryans Daughter. John Mills
$180 Next Man, Sean Connery 1160 Sandcaules. Ba"y Cardwell
1180 NiQht Chase, The. Davtd Jonsen $3UO Sara 0Jno, Mini Series 8 x 1 Uour episodes
1240 Night They Raidod Minskvs, Oon lohr, Rudee $1BO Scatcctow. Gt:ne Hockman
Valley, Jason Robards $180 Scavl!noer tlunt. Rtchatd Benjamin. Robert Morety
$180 Nineteen Eighty Four, Richard Burton $200 Scuuda ltoo. Scudda lley, Juno Haver. Walter
$200 No trees in the Slfeet. Stanley Holloway. Ronald B ttnnan, N~talhe Wood
Howard 1180 Search, The. tluoh O'brien, Elke Sommer, John
$180 Old Curiosity Shop, The. ·Animated Guilgud
$180 Once Upon A time. Cartoon Fantasy $200 Seventh Dawn, The. Williarn ltolden. Susannah
$180 One is a Lonely Number, Trish Van Devere, York
Melvun Douglas $180 Sholako. Soan Connery, 8ridoeue Bardo!
$250 Opposite Sex, The. June Allyson, Joan Vlondell, $1 80 She's Back on Oroadway. Vlfgirua Mayo, Steve
Anne Mtller Cochran
$180 Our Man Flint, James Coburn 11 80 Side Show. Connie Stevens. Red Buttons
$180 Out of Darkness. Martin Sheen $140 Sidewinder, Alex Cord
$180 Outlaw Blues. Peter Fonda $140 Silent One, Lino Ventura
1180 Overlanders, Machael Collins 1200 Stiver Cnalice. The. Virginia Mayo. Pier Angeli
S180 Paradisa Hawaiian Style. Elvis Presley $1 80 Singer Not The Song Dirk Borarde, John Mills
$150 Parodisa Alley, Sylvester Stallone $1 80 Sittino Target. Oliver Reed. Jill StJohn
$180 Paris Does Strange Thinos Ingrid Bergman, Mel $200 Skin Game. The. Jomes Garner
Ferror $180 Slither. James Ca~n. Pdter Boyle
$200 Perfect Gentleman. The. Lauren Bacall. Rugh $180 Smtle. Bruce Dern, Barbara Feldon
Gordon $160 Smokey And tho Banllit Three. Jackie Gleason
$250 Pete Kelly's Blues. Jack Webb, Jayne Mansfield, $160 Snow White And the Three Stooges
REEL DEALS November 1993 15