Page 13 - RD1993-11
P. 13

~                      J  [~~(I r/fl.:  , Films; in hnllcl'\t Conditi-on~
             \6mm Cd .. '-0 V.(  ·. ftatut& Film•
                                                                                 VARIOUS  SUORTS             6
                                  \.\.AA.Q.'1  \'1\0U ..  (o.<) %1:l   rn   l
        0200  Sol• Su~ivot, The. VtnCt Edwards. Richard   t18()  V~nqvished. th•. JoM rayne. Jan   $40  fallen Angels -Sky divin.g   I 200ft   )\HOUR SHOWS  Black and White
                J\80  Viking O~un, The, Don Mur,ay, Ni"ll MacGinoit   $80  ~ly.npiad ·The ~ustrahan.s   'ltX>Oft  :;~  ~;.::,or fatnet
        0250  Som•thing Wit.ktd Thlt Wiy Cornu. ·O\$n.ey,   $200  Vkuin Soi<J•ers,  The. Nigel P;uritk.. Lynn R•d-o;lin   $80  Esther and the King of  Starn  .   lOOOf1   $35  Bob Cummings Show
           Ja•on  Robards         $200  Von Richtg~tn And Brown 1Th8 Recl  B~ronl,   180  1'wen1y n.ou""'d Leagues  Und<t che Sea,   i35  Svtk Skin   Ray Miltan
        Ol$0  Song of Notway. Robert Moflcy, EtJward G.   John Phill:lp l~w 1                            TommyNoiJ
           Robinson               1200  Wa<:kiut $tul) in lhe Auny, The. J~ck LemmOn.   Animated 2(X)()ft   t35  Evet(lt~du, Th•.
         >1~0  Southem ${ar. Tht. Ge<~rQ• S•oal. U•sula Andreu   Chlj)s Ratleny   S<5  lnl>11d Sea of Japan   1200f1   140  M Squad   let M1r'YI
        •180  S~encers Mou.nuW'I. HeNy fond;,,  M~utcen   t 1 SO  W.l.hons Retufn, The, Ravn Wa•tt.  £utn Corby   $70  f..lnt.l$1i.c lournc:y Atlantium   2000fl   $35  Ma1ll:ham   Ray Millan
           O'Haft                 S180  W•lcorne tq H"r4 li.f»tl. Henry Fonda   S80  How to Succeed in  Busmets   2000ft   UO  Mickey S~ill.fnu   t.4ii.ott_,.,-o.,"'M"Q.'"
        $180  Spltit Is WllliflQ,  Ttlt, S;d Caeur   t220  Whatevet Happ.eMd to Baby Jane. Bette Oavi,,   $10  Had  Ron~ld   2000(1  ::~  ~:~o~~c!~:,•   sc~m Bta!J
        $180  Sr3r Flioht, Th.t Plant {hit wuftln'~ la(\4,  Aay   Joal\ Ctawtcwd       $35  McH 3 tes N~vy   Rod Cimero
            Milland               $200  Whau New Punvca.t. l'eter Sellars, woody A11e   S60 Alfred lf1tchcock  PrtSCI\IS...   Ernu Bov11~n
         •200  Star ia Born, A. Birbaril StrtiurW   1200   \\'Me uumnino. Butt Aoyno&dl. Ned tleatty   Each  One Ha.lf hour BW's
        ·••so   Sttr Pi'oL  R~;~la•\IJ bulre, Kttk Morti$   $180   \\ltu(et W;jtui:Jf. Tht. Ste~• Auves. Gtoroia M~l   .a~~JI.u rr~f   l Sp)'   l  HOUR  SHOWS Olack & Whitt
         nao  St.ltCUSh, Mario• And••ws.   $180   'VViJiy  Mac8e;,n And atis Magic Michin•. ·Af'lima   Nu hill   Dily of the 0Yittt   Ul!.tt ofCrc.tit   $75  77 Sunur Strij)Efr"m limb11in Jt.
                                                                      n,, l.ut
         >200  Stooly;ud Blws, Jan, Fund.l, Pr.ttor Oovl•   i 180   Witl! S.i• Yuu Eoo floll.  Oo1is  O;~v   S60  A WioJ•  Count1y   h1tHollima
        .,80  StWl(ltay, Sheuy Jackson   ~ /k '~  Wc,.~m;J,n ol Su.1w, Sun Connerv. Gin.1 LoMobfigi   Sn1t\ Ufo   Kina Ww.uc.u   n.. s.r.  Pill(•   $70   "•11., ....... , ; ...... ~ ... "'
                                                             MU.e My  0¢~~UI: Bt4  Cn,,k: \If Ooo<D
                                                                              Tho 1\J<~Wba~k.
         .ono  Story of Subiscuit, Th~t, Shiflt>y T•mplt , Batry   U80  won Ton Ton, tM Dog That Saved Hollywood.   S60  River Boat   8u1t Rtynold
            fiuoer•td                Star Cast               One Grave too  Matiy   Not  11u:  runninc type   $60  Ch.tct..matt   Oouo McCiut
         1200  Streett or San 1(;.~•·1  Malden   $180  Wof\dafful Country, Th•· Robert Mitchum   The Strange Miracle   Youth and &au1y   $60  Court Mats.hal   1?etwGr•v•
         1160  Stunt5. Robtrt FOfster   S200  V.'orld  AcGord~o l'o Gvp. Rubin Willianlt   The Viciou'i Circle   You Can't Trvtt a  Man   S60  front~-tr Circus.   Ch.iiiWdl
         1180  SubtnatiM Xt. James Cun   1200  Wllfld  ot Hct~ty Ou.ent,  The. P~ter Sellars   S60  Going My .;.,ay.   Gtnt KeU
         $180  Such Good Friends. Dvan Cannon   1220  Y•lk>w A()IIS Royce. A e. H;mi.son.  lnQrid Sergm;   SUSPICIAN Bl"k aod Whil<  I  Hour $70   S60  Ovtrlind Tnil,   William  8iA~
         $200  Summer of 42. Jtnnift r O.N~:ill, Gary Gnmes   1180  Youno Blood Hawk, Jamu Fra.ncis.cus..  Eva Gi.b   u, • .,.a~   Th•l..ut r-oC41   UO  P•try Mil$on.   Ravmood 8'-"'
         $180  Suptttroo. The. Faceleu Giant   1250  Youn11:  f•n~HliA. YithOO  S•rious. Pea Wu W•ISOI   S10ey vf M41'turi•  Jlntdoo   $70  Suspici~   pto<h.lctr Altted ltilchcoc
         uoo  Swing Sh.itt, GO!di• ~tom   tAutualian•                                  s60  W•von   o ..... "'••A.k'""
         $200  Sw~ss Family Robins.on. Th•. CJmeron Mitthtr:l,   ~o--.i+pf)>Vhl~~ ......... ~a--  SCT UILKOIPII.IL SILVERS ·Ill hr ll&W   S10  S•onv 01Jlk•   . . •  Ja<:k lQI'4, euen 0Jit
            M.artn MiiA•t 1 00 min.s   •160  Zero To Sil,ty, Oouin McGa"Wl. Joan Colein.a
         S180  Tale of Two Cities. A. ·Anim<lted   S 160  Zio lao, G#Oro• Ken~v. Anne JlChOI'   Comedy Mini  S50 E.lcb   Th• Three Stoogu  Jf. N.
         1300  Tales of Holfm;~M, MIOta Sh~attr, Aobut   S160  Srum$. Roben fcxs.ter   Bl~k Magic   Dooble life   sao Un~;"t Mint Condi1ion Original Prlnu
            Help.mann             f ISO  ASict  Oot$4l' lllve t1cte Anytnort. Ellel\ Burstyn   Viva Ditko   Bilko's Oelule Tour   Bedlam in  Patadist   A  M.,ry Mix Up
         S220  Ta1U 8ulba. To.1y Curtis, Yul  Btynn&t   )(nlKfisrofferson   Dileo's  Formula   Con-Man B1lko   Hin~ in  th• Ring   tv.., aai.O.U.
         $170  Ta1g• t  E;agle, C•o•o• P«PP••d, ChuCk ConAc.ts   -~80  Whe~cle1 Oe&U!l$,  James Gatn~t. Le• Ke.-l'l'ck   Bilko't Boys1own   lovo At First Dice   Pa.l• .,.1<J G•l•
         1220  Ten Thouund 8tdtooms, Dun M011tin   $200  Orn~~:cul. Cha•ltn l).ronson ~   BiU:o il.nd  th<:  Mcdit.lm   M•U•d Fo•tvn•   Pudon My a..ckli••
         1200  T ertor in  1ht Wu Museum. A"Y Mtlla:nd.   $1$0  T•rr••r.Q of the Shrew, The. Eli.tabe1h TaviOt   Furlough  in New Yost  Oot:erma~~ tJ~e Crooner   Gyped in Tht PtAU'IOUat   Ouiu 'Nhiu
            Broderick Ctawfo•d    $200  Seven. W.lliam Smfth, Satbau leigh   &  Mort •••   Fifi Slo~l Htr Top   Sw .. t  ¥1d Hot
         1200   Tt~ Ad~tntur011. ernut OOfQI'Iin•.  Olivia                            Hot lc•      Ru•tv•
            Oth8Villt1Ad                                     $SO  MUNSTI!R  MAONESS   S1one Agt Aomtoa   idiola Oeh.t:w:•
         1180   G1oup, Tht. Candie• O~tr()in. Joatt Hackett   lity's. Stir 8cwoer   A Man For  Marilyn   H31f  $ho( Shoote"   Hools al'ld Goofs
         $16(1   ~~: W~$ A C~<>Okt.;J Ma,·,, Kitk OouGtas.  H41NY  - --===--======--  Undero•ound Mun•<er   Herm.ln$  P~.-c• OH11nlive   Scote-hed ill Sco1Jal'ld   Mus.ct• Up • littlt C1our
                                                             Ht-rman  PiCk$  a  W•nntr   6io I I up Ht-rmin   LAUREl. ANO HARO't   -
         ~350  Tho•• Magnificem Men In Thelt Avino Michinu,  SlS r.u.,.tvuu Cvlwr C;,noons   G1atldp1'.s Lost Wite   Cvtando 0• Muns.ter   $90  Bus)·boiJiu • 1933,  25 min
            Tetl)t lhomn, Ett;                               flt-histClic Mun.sut  WiQ  Su«en Spoil Herm•n Munscv   $90  Coun1y Hosl)lttl • 1932.   r;: '):::
         s220  Thret Coins In ,he fovot3in,  Cliho.n Webb   Ot:I)Ut'( OauQ  t:tc     . ::g  ic~:~~c~~;;, 1929.   O  :P
         s 1 W  Till. BtoOk Shields   SJS Tom Ollld Jcut't   teiSslc FEATURES
         $200  Time Machine, Th.e.  John Bock   Savwhat   Ueavv  Booklno   i150 Murtny of EJ$inOf • 1937. P~ulluku   ISO  Thtm Thll H;us · 1934,   ).}  'J::;
         $160  To Kin a Oown. Alan Ald.a      Old Hubbafd   i 160 The Ph.antom E•JWtU • 1932, William Cc>nltt,  68 min   '-../  ~
         USO  Toniuht We Sing, Enzio Pint~, ls:nc Stern   $pikt:s O•fthcuv   $160 Oinnet a' th• Eliu. P•ullukas:. Ann.l.belta   ;:~  ;::~~ i~t11~:;.ater • 25 min
         $180  T owa1<1 th• Ul'\k.nown.  Willi.~rn Holden, Uovd   J)S Droopy   S  160 Saint Muti.ns Lane. Charles Laughton. Vivien ltiOh   •90  Thoir fics.t Mistake   .0  ~
            Nolin                OrooS)y in Phi ul lhe west   $1 GO  lJu~ Tuulu or T~hili, Ch;,.~ln Lauuhum   •90  On• "oou  fum   tF""
         $180  Ttaddown, Jim Mitch•m   Stor Crou..:d oil   The Grnt Oiamond Hei.s•
         SISO  Trial 8y Combat, John Mms                                              :EATURES ·Lautaland Hardv   -J  3
         UOO  Triple  Cro».  Yultllynner.  T#evOf tlow-ard   S9tl STAll TREK  • 1 Uour Une-ut low F01d•  ColoiJf Eplsodu  ;220 Chumps <Ill  O•lotd •  1940, 65 m.ln   )-J  O
                                 Kn1!r~. f'~quuount Thtatlical,
         Sl 80  Tru• Gut, A funher Adventu••, Wblltn Oa1u  ill'ld While  HS, 5  (or  UOO   The Cloud Mln.der,   Otvll in tht Dark   'l50 Fl)'inQ 01Jects •  lt39,  70 min   ()..)
         $2C(l  Und$tQIOund. Daniel Gaubert                 E11and of Mercy   That Which Survivu   '2SO P;~c:k. Up Your Tr~X~biu • 1931.65 min  011  r
                                                                                      •280 Match ol tht Wood•n SOldier • 85 min
                                 F(lwl Pl,1y   Fluu Of Suwgttl
         $ 180  Unh.:lly Rt;~lllll$, LOVif. Oviron   Tht T ... o Allt nl fifa   Pat(ttn.t of Fore-t   8y Anothtt Name
         $350  Uniinkable MoNy Brown, The, Debbie Rtvnoldt   Bio Ct)iet Uah Amvoh   Me  feeti•~OtiJHutt  .   Tht•   Tht Con.cien-:• ot the   •220 P.a•don  u, • 81 min   -....JV
            IMit\t)                                         Kino  Tht Emp~th   Is Thtte Tn.ah and No   )250 s..,.,u Mi1-s •  1938. 70 min
         $ 180  U$) the Down Staircne, S~f'MSy Oennia   The. lwtsht P•t(:tu:r   Doing lmpou.ib:• $1untS   &uuty   fridays Child   •220 Btoclhtads
                                 Tht  Floor f lusher • Colout
                                              St'ein fled,  White, And 8
         $180  Up  the Sai\Cibo•,  e, ,bara Sueisand        Let Thai 8e Your lut Bmlefield   The~  UQhl$ of letad250 9ohtmi.l.n Ci.rl
         $150  V~mpira. Oa~id Ni ... en                     And the Chddttn Shaillud   The  Siv~o• C\fl'tiin   J 130  8tuuhv.nks.
                             ~                                                                  ~;>
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18