Page 9 - RD1993-11
P. 9


             1.    Proiector  Lens.   I   require  a  25mm  or  38mm  lens  (or
                   both)  to  suit  a  Singer  Graflex  16mm  projector.   Lens
                   type  currently  in  my  machine  is  a  Graflex  50mm  F /1.6
                   Somco,  manufactured  in  the  U.S.A.   Slim  barrel  variety
                   about  25mm  dia.
                   Also  does  anyone  have  an  instruction  manual  or  work
                   book  to  suit  my  machine  - model  No  821.

              2.   These  Movies  16mm
                   al    Yankee  Doodle  Dandy           1942  USA
                   b)    The  Long  &  the  Short  &  the  Tall   1961  UK
                         aka  Jungle  Fighters           USA  title
                   c)    Paths  of  Glory      (Kubrick)   1957  USA
                   d)    Guns  at  Batasi                1964  UK
                   e)    The  Clock                      1945  USA
              3.   For  Sale  or  Exchange
                   1.  Projector  Lenses.   Three  lenses  to  suit  Bell  &
                   Howell  projectors.   These  are  25mm  F/1.4  variety  with  a
                   50mm  barrel.   I  would  be  happy  to  swap  one  on  one  for
                   Graflex  Lenses  needed  above  or  films  or  sell  at  $95

              Ian  Quaggin                          Ph:   (H)  002  287921
              30  Athleen  Ave                     ·Ph:   (B)  002  321406
              LBNAH  VALLEY  TAS                    or  Fax  C/- Work
              (Hobby  Collector  only)                 (002)  321499

                        16mm  OLYMPICS

            THE  OLYMPIAD   well produced 2000' ducumentaries. Each show concentrates on
                           the history of a particular event
               2 titles to choose from   THE DECATHLON
                                  THE FASTEST 1'v1EN ALIVE
                                                         $75.00 each
                            SWAPS CONSIDERED ON ALL FILMS

                   All films are sold on a collector to collector basis -  For home use only.
                         MIKE TIUCKETT            Phones:
                          25 Fairlie Street       BH. 052 789 766
                          North Geelong  Vic 3215.   AH.  052 781 986

        8   REEL DEALS  November 1993
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