Page 11 - RD1993-11
P. 11

16mm C~ h••w• FIMu .n f..-uMcfl! Cond11101t           16m.m Coto&.u  tutute f•"'' wt f•edcru Cor•ufltaot~
                                ~Art'Rl.i  MOLl  0~  <ib7..:l3o 0   1200  AdVIntur•• of tiu~kltb~ ~A~~~~O•v. M QI~LComet A H::~!n. J~t~l •• ~:.~~~.
         1220  Four  F0t T•.~tu. Fr1nk Sin~tn, Thtee Stooqu,   J180  Hop,C01C:h,  Waltt:r M.i1thU u, Glendi. Ja~kHin   f
            Dean M1ttin           1180  llouc>~ olthl 8uller\lillu. Spi.ko. Milbga.n. Ptlll   Samohrtt'   Juon Rob01rds
         1200  Nankl•  ;,nd JoMnv. Elvi1  Pr•slcv, l"l.atrv MOtgan   Cook. Dudley Moore   tl iSO  Ad<~tntutts of StulJIOCk H<Wmts Smaner Brother.   t180  Compromi.sillg Positions. Suun Satandon
         t\80  Ffttbit tnd 1he S.1n, Jamu C~n, Ala,n Arkin   1180  Houte 011 Or•en A.pplo. RoW. W"het Pidgeon.   Ccnc Wllt.J&t   1220  Crou Of  Iron, Th•. Jamu Cobum, Mulmillan
         U80  Frenc:h Connection II.  G•n• Ha¢kman   Jantt L•ioh   t 180  Aher the fox,  Pe~er S ellers, Victor Mll\lft   Schel
         1220  Frtnc:h lleu~entnu Wom.a11, M~(yj Sueep   t lOO  How to Commlnit  M,J.mage, Bob Hope, Jackie   1200  Altpo" '?!i, Hob.e11 W1gner,  llhe Corw:orde)   11 &0  Cune. Tht. •An•ma1ed (Sht~loclt Holmes I
         4180  From beyond 1h• G••"•· Pe1er Cushing, Maso•rt'   GltU04-  1250  All tlands On Du~;k, P~t UQOO•   S200  O.iiJ.Jv  Looo Leos. F~<~•d As1aite, Letlie Caton
            Leiotuon              1220  Uow lO  Mutder Your Wife.  Ja~k hMMOt\   1220  All Outtt On the Wes1ern f,ont,  Emtu Ootonint ,   $330  OifiY Dvc:k Ml)vi.e • Ca.noona· Mint
         t1 8~  Fury, The. ICitlt Douglas   $280  Huw To Succ.eedln Ou~cncn. RoC>e-1t Mor1t. Au-dy   P.unc:c.a tfuJ.Emmv Aw•r4   st tO  o ... kl lnvas.'""  or Ea•tn, The. P•c" Cu•
         tl 80  Fuhwe World. Peter Fonda   "•l·ee              noo  A'OI'IO lh•  G•• .. t OiVIOi. ICMII. o..."'••· w ... ., ~~--  '180  Oaugllten of Satin, Tom Sen•ck
         USO  Glllipol•. Mafic tft. ~ GibsGn CAuwdiiA!   II 80  H..ul\ey Lon;~ lde StQfY   1180  Am.tyYtllt  11  . The posuuion. B...11  Y~   tl ItO  D•v•.J  Copperfa.eld ·A.rWn.neCI
         UOO  GM1c.lff,  Tl\e  Jlmts Cnn.. P.i\.11  ~   lltiO  I Utvtt PrOI'nlstd You A ftose Gilltdel\,,   5150  An Amtlw;.•n o,,¥04::1, JoLctn W.U.aMI   5190  O.ay the Eillnh Movtd. lh•. Jad.te CooP«. St-"•
         ueo  Gu                     o-o ...                    $~ An Amenun In 1'¥11. Gent Kcly -M~   St.r.,it\:S
         S200  Oar "-'" <anOOf\. V01et; Judv Gld•nd   1200  f'l flhw F«Ocl 'M\.ii"S His. Nam. IBTECH. Oiv.   11 &0  Afty Wednesday. f~   1180  Oulol &N Ctmuty. Chtvv Chut
         1200  Gtc Carttt. MehHI Clint                          noo  My Wt-.c~~ ... ,..., Yov c"'. Cine. hstwood   UOO  Outta-. C~A~an. Tom Aikin$. Stefantt Povr.otts
         Jl10  G.uwl'/. lM. St.t¥1 McOI.tHn. MMKGl'fW   Jl80  1"1  T•h S"'Nen. Sob Hope, f,o~naa., Anion   112'0  Art ol Cnmt . 1 he. Ron t.bon   Sl80  Ou1t1 T r~p. ~taut C..,.
         U10  Ghou KHPW. The. Riw'•  Sp.,   noo  tc• Pw~tu. R.Gbwc IJnl;h   S200  A.$ \QnW  iU  rhey"re;py. J~1U $:1.141. J.,O.   UOO  Odwt~ant;.e. Jon.VQY'It. &..t•"-•(l'd01
         1140  Q.\1 My A.Q;Jfcb T 0 &oadsvut. ,.,. McC.ann.y.  U80  tt Its t .... ld,.,,lt Mwt 8e Bt~utn. SUunt~t~   t 200  Ott.en  ! VJ~Js. Ron ftinot-1.  MM~ (~lih .1I.a:m
            A.,.o St.,,              "''"''"'                  t:1&0  Ats.IU.OI'WtJCN\ Su.-uu.  The. Ot..u RMCII.  ltlfy   S I SO  o. .. .n Own, The _Jcnn fontiii!M
         1180  Oo•8t\wtt n. Ttt.e. J'*t Cl'lnt\le, Mic:hHI   I 160  in,p.,.su. lwt Re 'lnold.s. Ann• Fttnei-1   S.av"-'   UOO  0.\y\JS MiiiOtt, Funk SMol.atu
            Redoravt              J180•cJtn• W'l  S•n fnnc~K~ A.d:h.ard Kll~y. CNI.J   1200  AU.nt~<c: City.  8Utltanc.asw   •200  Olt1y M.afy. Cr"y l.oiuy. l'etcr f"Ofldl.  Suu.l'l
         S200  Go.l'l' South. J1ck Nccholsen, John 8ctusl'li   I UO  Amck Fotce z.  Mtr Gibson.  JOhn Philip   Oeotge
         •taO  COlden Seal, The, Steve R01J$baCI'I   "eo  ~~as:Aocll.y Movnt•in R•~•. Fortest Tuchr   CAu"nliinJ   t1 i0  O.vorc:e W•rs.  Tom StUick. Jane Cun..n
         U80  Qood O•e Younr. The. SyOney Biker. Joan Coelina   J 1$0  ln,ioe Otisy Cloo'ller, Robert R~<ltord.  N11111ll.t   U 60  8.1>CJ\t.l(lt In  P't3d1U, 9ob HoP•. J.an11  P:lige   U40  Doc S~vaoe. Man ot Sronu. Pi\'1 Well11,
         s teo  Cooct Ouv• and  the B~d Guv1. A4btlt Milch•m.   Wood IB  ter;h   14$0  Oac;k  to the ioturo Ill.  Mi.c;h~$1 J. f"u,t   Mt.t14r
            GtOIQt Kenne(Jy       I\ 80  II'I•IJCC:tOr Clouuau. Al01n Arkin,  P~tri~k Ca1gi11   1160  81d News Bta1s Bt~lk TrJiniRQ The.  Jackit Hilty   USO  Oocto, OoOltUft, Aell  Halfili~. S•mantha fO{III,
         I 250  Good Morni•lO  Robet' William I   J220  1n1o1nadona1  Vul\lt~t,  I•tum O'N.,;U. Chrluopher   t220 of Cac;la Uooue. Jason ftobards,  Scello~   Mutic<ll. Academy Aw.l.HI
         UOO  Good Tlmu, Sunuy .,.4 Ch~r   P IUII\!11111          Sttvc.flt             H90-0..vl~~t.~ .....
         UOO  Gooobye Cl\aJI•e.  Walt•r Mi!Hh4•u. Tony Curti•   1180  •cw~tc.114.1n from  lr'H1cr  Earth   S 100  01nan• Oo.a1 ... layley Mil1s,  Oouo McClure   uao  Doch)IS  O·f~mma. The. Dirk tk>gJJtde,  Ltt~ll Crcwln
         S' 90  Ooo<lbv·•  ColuJI\b\lt, Ru:.h.wO  8en1am'n.  A~   tatlO  ltl•nd ot lO'rt. The. Tony R.ft't.l<'ll. Gc<>r111~ M()llc•   J180  B.indcdo. Robert Mileham. Zachary Sc:ou   1200  Dogs Qt W~r. Tom  B•tt-noe.r, Ctlr•itoph•, Wtlk&
            M.-c:Grtw                "'"                       t200  ll.i•li•t•lla,  );u'l401  Funda. Jt>hn PluiJ.p law   f 180 Pnnc:tQit. Gene Hillcll.m•n
         Sl80  COQ"I.ive Olrl. Rtc:hMd Ott"tfun. M"rsh.1 M;,son   •180  Jwe E.,tt, George C s~utt, Suunn.~~h   1240  l:t••".rli4u  AJ1t.l  &h• Ge1~h.1, Juhn W• vn•   tl dO  D01•'• look Novv.  Jul!t Chri1-1 ... Dontld $..1tl\t0Md
         1180  Gr••l4vlew IJ.S A •• Ja.moelee Cur til   t HiO  J•w• 1.11  O•.rth. Aoc:n,rd  h•keol   1300  U.r.ute Of  et•taJn,  tlle. M¢hiel Cflfl.e,  TreYOt   1180  Dt~c"'*•· Ptlt\Ce of o.)l·).ncu. Chrinos~r
                                  1200  J,,...,.,.. )Qhlr~Gf'  Robert Re<lf01d
         SIGO  G~ttnd l,lvt•t•r•\9. Buu 81-'Qf:J                  How.-rd               SUO  Or•~s.l•ye•. Pettr MJcHic:ot, Aal,., AkhttdJon.
                                                               UOO  lled~IIM'I~ RQom,The. So1h MAcan. Petw Cook
         S1.t0  Cf•"IC 8anAt Robbety. Zt!O   tl10  Jul\n ~M\1 Pluu Come t~. Shirltv   ....   Ounev
         1250  G""' lief .. ,. the.. John YlavN   Mld.,.,.e. Jwn UK!aa                  UOO  ~•u .and .ne D.nwll•t ,-o .. Go.oroe S.o.-,
         stGO  OUMH  I« the M•ned Woman. C'fb• ~d  1180  JOM PW JQnes. Bett• O....._s, Ro&ett Stadt   11$0  Dc011~• ()pen. The.lawrenct Chitt   GoAdte KJwa.
         U~ ~~ r,,.,...,_ Ridwlld Harr15. ~ted   1 UtO  JG~.orne, Into 0•' 1-.lic:hHI TOlan   1350  8 .. e Of Nt w Yor'k, ft~ AsLolllt. Vcu E'lc'~t   1150  Dlk-•· John Molt
         JlOO  G~ lt.e. ~ S.caM   Sll()  K_,IUCkiM.  ft'4  Silf\• W<t:t_. MIUt\t .....   1160  8evond EW..  Jonn Su.on. lvnd• G.o~o•   I 160  ht My Chnt. Ron HGW¥d
         t 180  ~· uf Cb.t'-Nss.. O.avi.i ~ ... en.LuM C¥OA   t180  Key Wen.  Ste-phen !ovd. Snetea Nonh   t 1 SO  e.g Bob J~son$ Spud Circus. <:Mrles H.oiOitt   t 1 ?0  El OcKO, Md ferrer
         U&O  Gvnt of 11\t Ma~fic:tnt Sew~ GtOfo-IC•NICtdV   t200  l(ld G~ El•ls Prtsliev   S1 SO  &v Bus, The. JOhn Bed .• Murphy Dunn.   UOO  EIKu.a Gkle. .n Blue. Robu1 Bla~e
         1200  Ovetnv Madu, &u.~ bne, uecr. GeiWI H..cktnan   1150  Ki'l<tt  fore.,  hly S-4v.JfoS   t220  Blillck Ho&..  The.   Jll$0  End.  The. Butt Rqnoi~;J:s. 0om Oelo&u, Sally ffcW
         t 180  H¥~n•baJ 8roalu, Oli'ller Ated   JI&O  1<111\Q  of  U'l• O~·p~ots. Eroe Aob~rts. St• tlavdtn   t 160  81.itk Stil.iion, fdick,ey Aoonev   1180  En11gn  Pul'ler, Ao.Oef( W~lkcl, Wihtc M~Uhuu
         U80  Hannie Cautdet, Robert Culp, Raquel Wtl,sh   J180  Kmgful'ler Captt, Ha-.,ley  Mrlls   t lOO  Olue Knighc.  The, W•rliJ.'n Holdtl\   S200  F.t.S.T., Syl\ltscor Stallone. Ron  SttiQtt
         Sl aO  Hacpy. Hu9h O'Onen.  Eliubeth Ashley   t180  Kon"' Cout. Chie>s Raffenv, Ridlillrd  Boone   UOO  Bobo, Tht, Peter Sclittli 1.8.'ttc.h   f200  F•ll ot the House of Ushe.r,  Robert Uays
         S180  Harry and Wal11t Go to New Yott..  J ames C•nn,   '180  La..ev  Blu•   l200  eound 'ot Glory, Oavid   11&0  F•mily Way.  The. H.ayl.ty M•lls,  John Milft
            Emoc Gould            .. , aO  Lat.Jy L, Pt~tr IJnlnov, D1vid  Niven, Scpl'lia L.ortn,   l200  tiravados. The. Gregory Peck. Joan Coilin.t   1200  ~ict•on MaJtt~. Tht. f4oger Moore
         U$0  Harry In Yaur Pocktt. W.ihet PidgeOft   raul Nt wm.Jn   tl 80  Bunt.ll• of Joy,  Eodii Fisner. Debbie Atvnoldt   1300  Fiflv  Five O~y$ •t Pet-lUng,  Chachot\ Ht stOI\,  Ava
         tl80  Hilum Scarum. Elvis  Presle'f   $1 60  l.111nd 01 U1• PhltOIM,  The. Jack Hawkins. Jo•n   :::~ ~:~~~~~~;~:~~S::!ife.~~::~~.,.-  Gardner
         1180  H~wlt H\t Slayer, Jilek P•l•nce   Cull.u'J                               $210  ,-,nn••ns RianbOw. Fred Asc•ite, Pttuta Clark
         $180  Htwmos, Sl1n\ Pic;:kcns,  Jamu  Hamp1on   i 160  Lau Vallty, Tht. michaul  Citoir'la.  Omitoh  ShariU   t2CO  Chad Hanna. Hentv Fond•. Linda D.irntll   UOO  filt Powet  Jamu Coburn, Sophlf  lor•n
         U80  tturt It •  LO•l•ty Hunl,t, The. Al<ln Alb\. Stacy   t200  LtQtnd of 1ht St'lltn Gold•n V.1mpitn, P11t•r   l 180  Cttarnpion$, A love Story. $h1City JCn•oht. Atel\:t,d   4180  Fam Oto~IJtv Si1"1,  The. funk $M)•Ifa,  F.aye
            kuclc                    Cu-.11u10                    Jathl                    OuMw•y
         UOO  Htavy Mtul. Anim~1td   1240  l•u ,,.,.,k.elovt. Mlf•lvn Monroe. YYU  MOfttJn   Jl80  ChMQe of SU$otl$, A.'-'t Maclline   $1 80  f1L1wilty.  Ofck Va.n  Dyk.e,  Ba.rbatl  Ftldon
         UOO  Htrou hbnd. J.imts Muon., Waorren Outs   U2'0  ltlt .i<r\41 T ... 14t Qf Jut.Jo;:~: Aoy 8eo~~n. Piul Newman,.   '180  Char.ou of f"••. B•n Ctou, John Guil90ad Pavic   S1 lO  A•t ~ea 'a Midnight., JOI\y P4r1Un$, SO(.hla Lbt
         ll SO  fii,.A,6.-,. Mt4 Feuer   Ave Gt4dn.t              M.teGu                S I 10  f':or Petts S•lt•. S..rtn Sutisind
         1200  H11 Maits.l'f o·Keef•. Bun: lancastet. Jo.~t~ Rice   1180  W•. t..llbelty lt\d "-'"''on Ulot ~t of the Apu.   J200  ~ Sod~ 0\b. tflfVY fOf'd.t, JiNMI   tlto  Fore~~gn tnvfout, Rob..-t M!tt.hl;M, G~-lltev• P19e
         U80  H~ 81f01t OM\. Simmons. Thonda   RodJy Nd)l.rwdf   Ste"".an         UIO  fOrmult,  TIM. Gtotge C. Scort. Milltb\ &raMo
         I 180  lie  e, Pel, 'Roe; f\e  I he  40;; Sn  ....   •   t 180  lt0"'4 .. ,... 1'\uu~ The. Oh.a o.tta.ibnd. Yvtne   1110  ClmD an Anotv UOr.dllU\ f•ss ratt .... Sttla   t 110  fow.t Money. Dd. v .. Ovb. Sid c ....
                                                                                        1220  fOUl FUU~<tu, Tht. RobtJ' Powel. Buu 6icfoe•
         Sl SO  HOMVri\OOn ~.IKhnl. TN  St•ve MccOuecn   U 80  laH .. MtU 'ot.11hr,  W.rter L\.iuhuu   1110  Co66  T .. d .ty, Oadt •an Ovtt. Picp.a Sco«
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16