Page 14 - 2005-12
P. 14

                            A 50  ANNIVERSARY TRIBUTE
                                    By Eric Scott

                                      20  Century Flop - Amnesia and Digital Transfer Problems
                                      In a world where the film industry is on a collision course of self
                                      destruction and catastrophe where the public are starved for
                                      entertainment, crying out to Hollywood to "make better films"!
                                      A beloved and cherished  musical film classic is forgotten and
                                      passed over. Earlier in the year this writer contacted the Fox
                                      Home Entertainment hot line in Sydney to enquire if there was a
                                      serious intention on their part to release a special 50  birthday
                                      edition of Oklahoma!. Totally alert and aware that this would be
                                      another case of dealing with a meathead on a computer, I wasn’t
                                      disappointed  -  "Oklahoma?" came  the response, "Is that the
                                      western with Jodie Foster and Mel Gibson?". Further inquiries to
                                      Fox in the USA were also disappointing. No! There is no
                                      intention to remember Oklahoma! in a special edition DVD. The
                                      movie was released on DVD in Australia a few years ago, the
                                      Fox offices down under received a huge backlash  from  angry
                                      consumers  asking  why the  disc  was a  full  screen 4.3  pan  and
                                      scan version and where is the restored full length  letterbox
                                      edition released in the States? Fox told the author that all discs
                                      are produced in America and there were technical problems with
       Pal system region 4 digital transfers involving individual Rodgers and Hammerstein musical.

       The King and I was out of registration and the restored edition did not reach the retail shelves of Australia. Instead an inferior
       blurred copy was dumped in our laps. What is Fox doing to rectify or amend all this - absolutely nothing! The future of Rodgers
       and Hammerstein musicals released on DVD in this country is in suspended animation. At a crucial time when all of these
       classics will attain 50  birthday status The King and I, Carousel (2006), South Pacific (2008), Flower Drum Song (2011),
       State Fair (1962 version - 2012) and The Sound of Music (2015) are a long way down the track. Perhaps by then Fox will
       resolve all the mess, but is there any hope when the company can't tell Oklahoma! from Maverick?
       The legendary studio MGM are running true to form, focused on the customer and remembering where their bread and butter
       came from, with a special two disc DVD celebrating the 50  anniversary of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. It's competitor
       Oklahoma!  was a  huge financial  success and a winner  on  video,  it remains a  top rental and seller  for  Fox. Where is  the
       widescreen anniversary DVD and for that matter where are the heads of that studio? - In a galaxy far far away?

       Dedication   -   Rodgers  and
       Hammerstein and Film Projectionists
       Obviously this article is a trumpet
       blower  for  Rodgers  and
       Hammerstein, but the writer would
       also like to bang  the  big drum in
       recognition of that unsung  hero.
       Concealed from the public eye,
       without which the lights would never
       dim,  the curtain  open or the  movies
       be presented on a big screen, and the
       magic of cinema would cease to exist.
       He is of course the film projectionist
       or operator. Hidden away in the
       projection  room,  he  makes  up  the
       program,  maintains the equipment
       and ensures the films are presented to
       full potential  in sound and picture
       quality, as the director intended.
       Amongst this forgotten but very important group of individuals are the men who showcased the Rodgers and Hammerstein
       classic collection at the Dominion Theatre in London. Where South Pacific (1958) and The Sound of Music (1965)
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