Page 6 - RD_2007-06
P. 6

                                                     By Alan E. Lott

       Of  recent months there has  been a   to good  working  order.  When  switched
       surprising resurgence of interest in the   on  the  cooling  fan  ran,  the  main  drive
                                            motor  ran and the lamp lit but the
       hiring and collecting of 16mm films. This   film  transport system did  not  operate.
       means  that  an  increasing  number  of   On removing the rear cover the fault was
       16mm sound projectors are  being     obvious. A large  white  plastic worm
       brought back into operation. It is very   wheel  mounted on  the main  drive shaft
       probable that of the various  makes Bell  &   had shattered into several pieces, which
       Howell  machines  of  varying  models  and   were  scattered  about  the  bottom  of  the
                                            case. This worm wheel, about the size of
       ages will be the  majority. Spares  and   a cotton  reel, had a  metal  core and  the
       servicing for most of the B & H      plastic worm was moulded on to  this  core.
       machines  are  normally  readily  available   Presumably,  over  the  year s ,
       from repairers who advertise in ACE.   differential expansion and contraction
       The older B & H projectors of the 600   between  the metal  core and the outer
                                            plastic  worm  proper  had  split  open  the
                                            plastic, which  had then shattered under
                                            the load of driving all the mechanism.
                                            Telephone  calls  to  several  agencies
                                            offering  repair  services revealed that
                                            t hi s  w as  a  w el l - k now n pr obl em
                                            amongst repairers. B & H later  rede-
                                            signed this worm wheel as  a solid one-
                                            piece construction in a different material,
                                            which  does  not  suffer  from  these
                                            catastrophic  failures. Unfortunately to  fit

       series were  built like the  proverbial   the redesigned replacement it is
       battleship:  the most likely  source of   necessary to  virtually  dismantle the
       problems being the thermionic valve   greater  part of the mechanism,  which
       amplifiers, but normally  these are readily   with  the rebuild can  take five  or six
       repaired. Replacement magnetic  heads   hours providing that no other problems are
       for the 600 series tend to be in  short   discovered  in  so  doing.  Also  during
       supply   and  are  expensive  when   reassembly it is advisable to use the B &
       available.  However  these  are  not  a   H jig to  ensure correct operation  of  the
       requirement for the optical sound films for hire
       or purchase.                         auto-threading system... Although I  have
       The  later  models  in  the  TQ  series  are   a complete B  & H Parts List and  Works
       much more self-contained and have a   Manuals  for  the  TQ3  series  I  decided
       performance much superior to that of   that this was one task I would rather not
       the  600  range  but  their  mechanism  has   tackle.  Also  on  this  machine  it was
       an Achilles’ heel.
       This  came to my attention when a young   obvious  that  two  other  small  items

       lady was sent to me by a mutual friend.   needed attention so eventually I  agreed
       She had been  given  a non-working TQ3,   with the owner that she would  send the
       Model 1692 which she wished to restore   1692 to Sound and Screen  Services of
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