Page 24 - RD2006-12.pdf
P. 24
REEL DEALS congratulates RD subscriber and Film Buff, Bryan Putt on his
election to the position of President of the Federation of Victorian Film Societies
Inc. A new executive have recently been elected.
The latest (and expanded) edition of REEL NEWS (the Federation’s magazine)
makes interesting reading. They report that Amalgamated Movies, located in
Charters Towers, Qld., have recently expanded their collection of 16mm films for
hire, and now have well over 1000 titles available.
Interesting also is the article, which says that 65% of film societies are still
screening their programs on film, either 16 of 35mm. The remaining 35% have
changed to one of the video formats. Who was it that said film was dead!!!??*
The Movie Enthusiasts
Published Quarterly
The magazine for film
collectors, historians,
enthusiasts, film Societies
- in fact, anyone with an
interest in Film & DVD.
For more information,
contact the Editor at
PO Box 478,
Lithgow NSW 2790
Ph: 02 6353 1897