Page 7 - Microsoft Word - RDcover11_03.doc
P. 7   The latest word (1 Dec 2011) is "NFSA
       programming-strategy/                Historian, Graham Shirley, is currently in
                                            discussion with senior NFSA staff  about
       The Archive has done very important  the precise form ALFSAR Stage 2 will
       work between 2000 and 2011, in  take.  It is now just over  a year since
       conjunction with Atlab, Deluxe and  Graham drafted a project plan for Stage
       Kodak –                              2, and this plan will now be reviewed to
                                            assess its alignment with current NFSA  film acquisition methodology. NFSA's
       partnerships/                        Board was aware of and appreciative of
                                            the launch at the 2010  Sydney Film
       Some of the resulting high quality prints  Festival of ALFSAR Stage 1. That project
       have appeared in a number of film  was subsequently given prominence as a
       festivals. But there seems to be no  case study in the NFSA's 2009-10 annual
       active plan for circulating  those prints  report."
       widely around Australia.  Nor for
       regularly programming them at the Arc  Stage 1 of that ALFSAR  was probably
       cinema. By contrast, the  National Film  the publication on NFSA website of
       Theatre  in  London   has  repertory  unprecedented   statements     and
       showings of its  restored 360 great  illustrations,  including  the  newly
       British films and reveals unknowns in its   uncovered  trailer  and  stills  from
       From the Archive sessions –          segments of the film not now extant --
       ilm_programme/regular_strands/from_t  Does that impressive and very creditable
       he_archive                           start mean that any actual search steps
                                            have been taken in 18 months? Probably
       And what about the project announced  not. The spirit and the intent of the
       at the Archive’s ‘Captain  Thunderbolt’  original Last Film Search seem to have
       presentation at Sydney Film Festival,  slid away while Canberra pursues World
       “Australia’s Lost Films Search and Film status. Come back, Michael Cordell!
       Rescue”, known as ALFSAR?
                                                          David      Donaldson,

                                                          David was one of  the
                                                          student group who in the
                                                          1950s    did   lengthy
                                                          “rescue” on ‘The Kid
                                                          Stakes’ (1927), now a
                                                          star item within NFSA.

                                                          “1927 Australian film
                                                          THE KID STAKES (off
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