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P. 4

Australian Made ……

                            The Harmour and Heath 35mm Strip Film Projector

        Most of us have seen a Harmour and Heath 16mm projector at one time, but this unusual (well
        to me anyway!) 35mm strip film projector came into my possession recently.

        This was no one off, as the body is a full casting, the projector is of solid construction is a very
        well made. The fan cooled lamp house incorporates a 1000watt 250volt lamp and together
        with its German made lens the projector produces a very nice image.

                                                          The lens and film head
                                                          rotate through 180
                                                          degrees, allowing the
                                                          projection of films
                                                          designed for vertical or
                                                          horizontal projection.

                                                          35mm strip films were
                                                          very popular with schools
                                                          and some industrial
                                                          organizations in the days
                                                          before television as a
                                                          means of providing visual
                                                          education or advertising
                                                          their products.  Some
                                                          strip films even included a
                                                          recorded commentary on
                                                          a record. Unlike the
                                                          35mm still camera format,
                                                          the image size is the same
                                                          as regular 35mm (silent
        format) motion picture film.

        There were thousands of strip films produced
        over the years; one of the main producers
        was SVE (Society for Visual Education Inc.),
        and there are dedicated collectors of these
        now rare film strips.
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