Page 20 - RD_March_2013.pdf
P. 20

Thanks to Brando-Marvin buyer from last ad. Outdoor Cheapies still available.
              Any Vinegar or other projection problem will be noted: inquiries welcome.    RD.302.1

                Wanted PEERLESS FILMS Campbell Dobbie
               ‘Nomads of the North’ etc c1949 16mm Color
                        Carbons – Yours for Postage only
           16mm 12 inch (2), 12mm 12 in. Negative (3), safely packed in big box.
                 Trailers 35mm – ‘Scope + Great Color or BW Flat
            Action pack DRACULA DEAD & LOVING It + ANACONDA  VGC $20.
            5$5(  Vintage BW 1961 original long VIRIDIANA (Bunuel) mint $50.

           :(,5'  Kiddie exploitation BATTLE OF ROCK LORDS bit vinegar $10.
            Ultra-Retro Motown/Comedy/Youth - 16mm Color
         COOLEY HIGH Motown songs fill soundtrack for kids in high spirits after
         school. First film of Michael Schultz with affection & humor, many crack-
         ups.  WITH  one-sheet  poster.  WITH  trailers  AmericanGraffiti  (long,  VG
         color) Meatballs, Car Wash on 3x1600 G-VG cond, color warm/red $120.
             Hollywood Veterans Gene Autry + McGowan 16mm BW
         GUNS AND GUITARS 1936 Autry, Smiley, Dot Dix, J.P. McGowan and
         Champion. Music & gunplay in medicine show expose 63min VGC  $140
         ROARING  SIX  GUNS  1937  Kermit  Maynard,  Mary  Hayes,  plenty  gulch
         characters, McGowan acts & directs (both well). 1x2200 Vinegar GC $60
         THUNDERBOLT’S  TRACKS  Tom  Perrin  comedy/western  1927  dir  JP
         McGowan. Complete 1x1600, Silent, poor contrast, vinegar. Free + post.
               Trailers, MGM Trailers on Parade – 16mm BW – 1600’
         THE MGM STORY What a find: Trade Show product forthcoming 1951,
         intro Dore Schary, John Barrymore. Some surprises! GC Mild vgr? $100
                   Vintage Compiles - 16mm BW 1200s - Lot $90
         (WESTERN ROUND-UP) headswap madness ‘toon DEPUTY DROOPY
         fair + ranch style WESTERN SONGS + Buster Keaton 1934 THE GOLD
         GHOST w cute Dorothy Dix, a Rex W dupe, fair qual. Used, mild vgr $40
         BLACK LAGOON, A&C in KITCHEN MECHANICS + Shock, Horror in
         Gillette razor commercial. VGCond, no Vinegar, Tuscan reel&can $60.
                Two television goodies – 2000’ Tuscans – Lot $160
         KITTY’S LOVE AFFAIR from Gunsmoke: long-running  affection Marshal
         Dillon & the Lady (Amanda Blake). Beautifully done! Browny EC $100.
         SHOWDOWN AT O.K. CORRAL narr Lorne Green mus Elmer Bernstein
         Dramatic re-creation shot by shot. Browny-pink vintage look EC $100.
           David Donaldson  E: T: 08 8344 7055

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