Page 4 - RD_March_2013.pdf
P. 4
Letter to the Editor
Hi Mike,
Thank you for producing and putting all your time and energy into creating such a wonderful
little green magazine – Reel Deals.
Over the years I have interacted and come to know many people whom I would never have
met or spoken with except for the love and passion of 16 mm film collecting. Yes it started
with Reg Wildman, Harry Moll and there have been many others over the years that I have
been able to connect with only because of Reel Deals.
I’ve made many good friendships, and found some fabulous films that I was hoping to own.
Mike I do respect and appreciate over 20 years of your hard work, always accepting my last
minute ads as I’m never sure whether I really want to part with the films or not so I hold off
until the last minute. An ongoing dilemma for me.
Thank you for your patience, dedication, and your wife Barb’s assistance. Keep up the great
work. I know we are challenging a DVD revolution but the dream of 16 mm film collecting is
still fantastic. I would have loved the opportunity of being able to attend one of the swap
meets, but at this stage I haven’t been able to come along – there is always next year.
Warmest and sincerest regards
Norm Ward
Thanks Norm. Your comments and encouragement are most appreciated – Mike
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Thanks Mike