Page 26 - RD_March_2013.pdf
P. 26
In its early form Fujicolor was subject to color fading, in many
instances towards the green end of the spectrum.
In common with Eastman Color its color stability has improved
over the years. It should be noted that the film base is often
polyester, which is somewhat thinner and more durable than the
usual acetate base.
Right: Fuji print with a brownish look about it
This positive print film is manufactured by Kodak and guaranteed low fade. The words “Eastman
LPP Safety”, can be usually be found in the perforation area, they are generally hard to see as they
are printed in yellow on a clear background, sometimes with the top half of the letters off the edge
of the film. LPP has been used for 16mm prints from the early 1980s. The latest version of this
film are no longer marked LPP.
LPP has received good reports from all collectors I know, and should offer some certainty of a long
color life.
16mm LPP print. Note wording at top.
Acknowledgements and further reading:
Various Kodak information sheets available at
The History of Movie Photography by Brian Coe
All images, except where noted are form author’s collection. Copyright of individual owners.