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small number (two or three) of prints
         struck  in  the  8-perf  VistaVision
         format  in  which  they  were  shot.
         Aside  from  these  prints  all  other
         VistaVision films were shown in the
         conventional 4-perf format.

         Although the clarity of these 8-perf
         prints  was  striking,  they  were  used
         only  for  premiere  or  preview
         engagements between 1954 and 1956
         and  required  special  projection
         equipment.  The  projectors  were
         made for Paramount by Century
         This   exhibition   process   was
         impractical  because  for  the  footage
         to  travel  through  a  projector  at  the
         normal  24  frames  per  second,  the
         film had to roll at 3 feet per second,
         double  the  speed  of  35  mm  film,
         which  caused  many  technical  and
         mechanical problems.
         Regular 35mm 4 perf. VistaVision  A pair of Kalee Horizontal VistaVision projectors
         In Australia, all VistaVision releases
         were  in  the  standard  35mm  4  perforation
         format.  The  VistaVision  film  image  covered  staff  touched  the  top  of  his  screen  (at  the
         the full frame size, which meant it could still be  appropriate ratio) and the framing was set for
         projected in the old  Academy Ratio of 1.33:1,  the rest of the reel.
         or it could be screened in one of the three wide  While  most  competing  widescreen  film
                                            systems used magnetic audio and true stereo-
         screen  ratios  that  was  recommended.  I  recall
         seeing  a  number  of  VistaVision  films  at  my  phonic sound, early VistaVision films carried
         local  suburban  theatre,  which  had  made  no  only Perspecta Stereo**, encoded in the optical
         change to their screen size, so I guess they were
                               still  projecting
                               in   Academy  Alfred Hitchcock used VistaVision for many of
                                            his  films  in  the  1950s.  However,  by  the  late
                                            1950s  with  the  introduction  of  finer-grained
                               The  negative  color stocks and the disadvantage of shooting
                               was  "scribed"  twice  as  much  negative  stock,  VistaVision
                               with  a  new  became obsolete.
                               form  of  cue
                               mark,  at  the  Since  the  last  American  VistaVision  picture,
                               start  of  each  One-Eyed  Jacks  in  1961,  the  format  has  not
         2000-foot reel. Similar in shape to an F, the cue  been  used  as  a  primary  imaging  system  for
         mark  contained  staffs  that  directed  the  American   feature   films.   However,
         projectionist  to  the  top  of  the  frame  for  the  VistaVision's high resolution made it attractive
         three  recommended  aspect  ratios.  The  for some special effects work within some later
         projectionist racked his framing so that the  feature films.

        12  REEL DEALS     September 2014
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