Page 13 - 2014-09
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Other Companies use of VistaVision
The format was widely used by Rank in the
UK. In the US, MGM, United Artists, and
Universal from time to time produced
VistaVision films. Rank also “played” with
anamorphic VistaVision, using a Variomorph
variable anamorphing lens set at 50% squeeze
for both filming and projection.
A Variation
At right is a special version of a Kalee model
21 made for horizontal VistaVision.
In this machine, the film runs in the conven-
tional manner, top to bottom, with an 8 perf
pull-down. The prism shown at the the front is
used to rotate the image by 90 degrees for
correct orientation on the screen. The projector
is set at 90 degrees to the screen.
The first film made in VistaVision was White
Christmas - The slogan “Motion Picture Hi-
Fidelity” did not appear on its logo.
Notes and acknowledgements:
* 2.35:1 was the eventual aspect ratio for Cin-
emaScope - early versions were 2.66:1
** See article in earlier Reel Deals or at
References and Resources:
● Wikipedia
● American WideScreen Museum
● Projected Picture Trust magazine “Re-
The projectionist’s guide for correct framing ● NLA’s Trove Website
can be seen at top right in these frames
REEL DEALS September 2014 13