Page 7 - 2015-06
P. 7
The Product Development function task of digitising the Archive’s film
and the Online Shop are to be termi- and sound holdings.
nated. Mr Loebenstein noted that
the Film Australia material niche Broadly, as I see it, the ball is now
sales to the education market will at the feet of the various screen
continue. There was no statement organisations which say that Aus-
on the future of the Lending Collec- tralian films matter. The online
tion, though something may have streaming service may
been given to the meeting on 28-29 come into operation just in time for
May of the Australian Council of Film future home and schools use of
Societies. Australian films. Meanwhile, keep
an eye on and,
On the positive side, the newly registered borrowers, boost the
formed Engagement branch has re- stats with some fresh borrowings
instated a regular screening pro- from the library that is still open to
gram at The Arc. Sunday afternoons you.
will have the ‘reel’ projectors rolling
with celluloid drawn from the Ar- David Donaldson
chive’s very large collections of film, 08 8267 5069 Adelaide
which do include much material
never explored or presented previ- For more information, check the
ously. Australian film will be pre- NFSA web site at …
sented all through a variety of Arc
programs. In the future, ten people
are to be added for the enormous
Film Fiasco
In the 1970s I used to put on monthly film shows for the University of
Adelaide’s Post Graduate Student Association. One of the films screened
was Don Camillo. An Italian post-grad invited some of his Italian friends to
see it.
When I next saw him he was furious and began abusing me. As he was prone
to anger, even violence, once being instantly dismissed from a Catholic boys
school for flattening a student across a desk. I was very wary.
The copy of Don Camillo was subtitled in English for my audience, but as it
turned out, unbeknown to me or the hirer, the dialogue had been over
dubbed in French.
I may have been lucky to have been subjected to verbal abuse only!
Peter Adamson
REEL DEALS June 2016 7