Page 29 - 2015-12
P. 29

Restoring “When Comedy Was King” – a Joint Effort
        By Kit Parker of Kit Parker Films
        One activity that is particularly satisfying to me
        is making available a beautiful video version of a
        favorite film. Even better is to couple it with an
        excellent  commentary  track.  Both  are  the  case
        with When  Comedy  Was  King  and  easier  said
        than done.
        In  1958,  I  saw The  Golden  Age  of  Comedy,
        Robert  Youngson’s  masterful  silent  comedy
        compilation at the Hill Theatre in Monterey, Cal-
        ifornia – I laughed until my sides hurt. I’d go so
        far as to say Kit Parker Films would never exist,
        certainly not in the form it has, had it not been for
        that night in 1958 as this turned me into a silent
        comedy buff overnight and inspired me to collect
        8  mm  (later,  16  mm)  prints  of  silent  comedies
        from the legendary Blackhawk Films.
        Two years later When Comedy Was King also by
        Youngson, was released.   This time I saw it at the
        State  Theatre  in  Monterey,  and  it  was  just  as
        funny as its predecessor! Saw it many times later
        in 16 mm, television, VHS and DVD, all lacking
        the  vibrancy  of  the  35  mm  presentation  at  the
        State.                              up  the  track  from  an  older  video  release  and
                                            synced it perfectly.
        Earlier this year I contacted Sonar Entertainment,
        owner  of  WCWK,  and  made  a  deal  to  acquire  Next up, I wanted to provide a commentary track.
        DVD rights. Then came the time to examine the  Film historian, author, filmmaker and raconteur
        film elements: What a mess! A reel of this, a reel  Richard M Roberts was up for it, and as my vote
        of something else, and the quality ranged from  for Dean of Silent Comedy, he was the perfect
        poor  to  marginal.  Then,  finally,  Sonar’s  ever-  person for the job. Richard was also influenced
        helpful Maura Grady sent us nine cans of film,  by the works of Robert Youngson as well, and
        which weren’t properly labelled; they turned out  created a commentary that intermixed his insight
        to the original negative!           on  the  comedies  themselves  along  with  their
                                            performers, directors and producers. He also in-
        Our  film-to-digital  maestro,  Doug  Horst,  did  a  terspersed a long overdue biographical tribute to
        masterful high definition transfer, and we were  Robert Youngson himself. I asked Richard if he
        off and running. There were still several issues to  would allow us to use three rare comedies from
        work out, but they weren’t insurmountable, just  his  personal  collection  as  a  special  feature.  He
        time  consuming:  The  images  were  a  checker-  agreed, but insisted they have a musical accom-
        board of light scenes and dark scenes, endemic in  paniment, the cost of which would put an already
        working with original negatives. However, fortu-  over budget project further into the red. When it
        nately Tiffany Clayton, always up for a technical  comes to quality, Richard doesn’t negotiate, so I
        challenge, “timed” (the industry term for adjust-  bit the bullet and retained Donald Sosin, a leading
        ing light and dark scenes) and did other digital  silent movie composer. Glad I did.
        clean up as well. Our HD transfer captured more
        image on the sides that had ever been seen on a  You can buy it today for US$14.99 exclusively
        video or television release. The only other issue  from Amazon:
        was lack of a sound track, so Tiffany sweetened

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