Page 11 - RD_2019-03.ppp
P. 11
Stage 4: Decomposition of base distorts the image.
In our experience: also that brown plastic cores shrink and be-
come unusable so the rule of thumb seems to
We have handled films where the acid in the be, if it’s brown, avoid it!
cardboard box in which the film has been
stored is the cause. Remove the film and vent it Kodachrome and Technicolor films seem to be
for a few days and all is well, but the BOX particularly susceptible to acetic syndrome,
remains pungent. The acid in certain types of black & white stock, less so, but almost all the
cardboard has made the box acetic but the film, effected films we have come across are up-
if caught in time, is fine. It follows that paper wards of 50 years old, so age related decompo-
notes stored with the film inside the can long sition is also likely a factor. All film stock ages
term can also be a trigger as the acid in certain in a different ways. Shrinkage and twisting is
types of paper will start the process. expected with age, the worst examples being
WWII newsreels, now 75 plus years old, but
Cardboard boxes are useful for sending films, usually still projectable! Other film stock even
but we never recommend films be stored in older from the thirties goes twisty or develops
cardboard longer term. Paper notes are best a longtitudal curl but remains vinegar free and
taped to the outside of the film can. is still quite projectable, with care.
As genuine white or clear 16 mm leader spacer Film Preservation Sachets. Have been market-
has become more scarce, we have seen instanc- ed at various times in the past. These are placed
es where collectors have used brown acetate in the can with the film and sealed up, creating
stock as leader and it is this that has become an airtight environment within. They work sim-
acetic, the actual film unaffected. Replace the ilar to the silica gel sachets supplied with new
leader in time and all is well. 16 mm brown electronic equipment during delivery by reduc-
acetate stock and full track magnetic tape is ing the humidity level within the can. When
particularly susceptible to becoming acetic, as used with acetic film, they reduce the humidity
indeed are magnetic striped films. Interesting level and absorb the gas given off by the film.
REEL DEALS March 2019 11