Page 6 - RD_2019-09
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                                         Above: The impressive facade of the museum
        Singapore  doesn’t  automatically  come  to  mind  when  you  think  of  camera  museums,  but  in
        conversation with a friend before we left home, he suggested I keep a look out for retro camera
        stores, as he had heard there were a few in Singapore.

        An Internet search found a couple of likely stores, but what caught my eye was a vintage camera
        museum, and as it was fairly close to an MRT train station, I thought it would be worth checking
        So, with my three day train pass in hand, I set off to find it. A couple of short journeys and
        changers of train line, followed by a sort walk and there I was, looking at, as their brochure days
        “The world’s largest camera shaped building”.  The modest entry fee, gives you access to the
        camera museum and the small “Trick Art Museum” next door (more later).

                                The  owner  was  very  friendly  and  to  my  surprise  insisted  on
                                showing me around, taking cameras out of their display cabinets
                                and even taking pictures of me holding his prized possessions.

                                Their claim of having 1000+ cameras was quite correct – there
                                were all types from old wooden full plates to the latest digital
                                types. The first to catch my eye was the display cabinet full of
                                twin lens reflex cameras, and right next to it another cabinet full
                                of early Kodaks, including several stereo and panaram cameras.
                                The Polaroid display contained just about every model made,
                                and  I  was  invited  to  have  a  close  look  at  each  one,  when  I
                                showed a bit of interest.

                                Another section was devoted to miniature and spy cameras these
                                contrasted against what was claimed to be the “world’s biggest
                                camera”  - it certainly was, as it took up a whole wall of a room.
                                The  owner  was  very  proud  of  his  Japanese  Machine  Gun
                                Camera, he claimed it to be a one of a kind and extremely rare.
                                Left: Display cabinet of large format cameras.
        6  REEL DEALS    March 2020
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