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        My  thanks  to  everyone  who  took  the  trouble  to  reply  to  my  questions  on  future
        direction for Reel Deals. The overwhelming response was that it should continue as a
        printed magazine and not go online.

        I am pleased with the response and the suggestions that I have received. I am mindful
        that the variability of postal delivery times, and in the occasional case, of no delivery
        at all, which does make it difficult when items are offered on a ‘first in - first buys it’

        There  will  be  a  few  small  changes  made  from  this  edition.  David  Donaldson  has
        suggested we add a “Wanted in Brief” type column. However, I think we could extend
        that to a page of small advertisements - Wanted - For Sale - Free Stuff - Wanted
        Known, in fact, anything at all, but limited to say .. 50 words.
        As everyone knows, we offer a full page free to subscribers, and I have been pretty
        liberal about the one page limit for quite some time, but I’m sure some people are
        reluctant to submit a small ad, so we will try David’s suggestion for the next few issues
        and see how it goes.

        Many of the back editions of RD are available to read on the Reel Deals website. I will
        add to that listing when time permits.  And from now on, the current editions will be
        added three months after they are published.

        Currently the last two editions ( September & December 2020) are there and can be
        read off the screen.


        Regards   Mike
         Cover Picture:

         The Hahn - Goerz 35 mm cinema projector from 1926.

         Cover  picture  is  adapted  from  an  advertisement  which
         appeared  in  the  3  November  1926  edition  of  Everyones
         Magazine, (accessed via Trove).
        2  REEL DEALS    March 2021
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