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Right: The 400 foot split magazine has feed slots and
locking spigots top and bottom, so it can be used for
either feed or take up by simply inverting it. The slotted
cylindrical spring loaded light traps are activated by the
camera door latch knob. The main spindle has been
modified to take a modem bobbin.
operation (for freeze frames etc.) and
independent forward and reverse operation: all
adding up to a very complex and expensive
piece of equipment.
So in the true tradition of Australia Cinema,
the two technical wizards at Cinesound, Burt
Cross and Arthur Smith, decided to make up
an Optical Printer, basically using a good 35
mm projector head and (we believe) the Wilart
It turned out to be a real "Heath Robinson"
affair, built with bike chains, butter box wire
and Meccano parts – but it worked! In fact it
could do things that the leading American
printers could not do. The story goes that on
discovering a moving image "bookwipe"
(the effect is like turning the pages of a book
with the images still moving while the pages
turn) in an Australian newsreel, the The magazine attachment assembly includes L to R,
American company sent out two top sliding spigot locks, light trap activating discs, film
executives to find out how Cinesound did it. entry and exit slots and belt drive roller guides
(forward and reverse). The belts are missing.
The Cinesound people were very reluctant
to reveal their secret and even more The next model of the American printer
reluctant to show the "Heath Robinson" incorporated the new Moving Image Book
machine that produced it. The Americans Wipe! What's new?
were eventually ushered into the printing
room and on seeing the machine, burst into The evidence that this camera was used on
peals of laughter. They then made a number the Cinesound Printer is as follows:
of very disparaging remarks about the
printer and suggested that Cinesound was The front plate has been modified. Some of
trying to give them "a bum steer" – showing its raised border has been machined away,
them "this dummy printer". They then enlarging the flat surface near the lens. The
demanded to see the real one. twelve tapped holes there, now plugged
with screws, suggest that a rectangular box
By this time they were very close to having was firmly and accurately attached to the
"their blocks knocked off', but wiser counsel plate. This box would have contained the
prevailed and eventually the Cinesound (auto?) Focusing lens assembly and other
technicians were persuaded to reveal how precision optical fittings for special effects.
the effect was obtained. Then, guess what? The additional holes on the faceplate below
March 2021 REEL DEALS 7