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the optical box suggest that fittings were
        mounted there to control the unit. The
        viewfinder  on  the  right  hand  side
        (useless on an Optical Printer) has been
        removed  and  replaced  with  a  flat
        dovetailed  plate  which  slides  back  to
        reveal two slots for masking the aperture
        (for split screen work). The shutter blade
        passes between the slots. A mask behind
        the  shutter  would  give  a  sharp  edged
        matte  effect,  while  one  in  front  of  the
        shutter would give a soft edged effect.

        The  camera  had  no  lens  when  Ron
        acquired it. The original lens may have
        been  discarded  because  a  very  high
        quality, and perhaps longer focal length,
        lens  would  have  been  required  in  the
        Optical Printer.

        The  original  crank  handle  is  missing.
        Again, it would have been unnecessary
        on an Optical Printer because the single
        frame or the eight frame shaft on the on
        the  back  of  the  camera  would  have  been  Back  plate  and  gate  access  door.  The  large  knob
        chain or gear driven when connected to the  (top  right)  operates  the  door  latch/lock  and  also
                                            opens  the  film  magazine  light  traps  when  the
        projector head for printing. (Ron West had  magazine is attached-a brilliant innovation. Below
        a substitute handle made for the camera). In  to the right is an 8 frame per rev. motor drive shaft
        addition  to  the  3/8”  tripod  screw  hole,  the  (a modification), then Ron West's crank handle. The
        camera has two ¼” holes bored through the  hinged round cap covers the film aperture viewing
        base plate, used, I believe, to secure it "rock  magnifier  and  tube  assembly  (now  missing).  The
        solid" to the lathe bed carriage. Many other  hole above the footage counter is for single frame
                                            (animation etc.) operation and, of course, the usual
                                                           spirit level.

                                                           features   made   the
                                                           camera ideal for its new
                                                           role as a Printer.
                                                           Left:  The  interchangeable
                                                           gate pressure plate and ultra
                                                           fine  ground  glass  focusing

        8  REEL DEALS    March 2021
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