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A CHUMP AT OXFORD Laurel & Hardy. This is the original copyright
        length of 42 minutes.            Sound poor.   I will throw this in free to first person
        who buys something.

                             AN  AFFAIR  TO  REMEMBER Cary
                             Grant, Deborah Kerr. There is a reason why
                             An Affair to Remember has remained a classic
                             over the years. It contains all the elements the
                             audience is looking for in an entertaining film.
                             It has two marvellous stars, a timeless plot, and
                             it transports the audience to a different world.
                             The print is pink and still has yellows.  $25.00.
                             A  MAN,  A  WOMAN  &  A  BANK
                             Donald  Sutherland,  Paul  Marzursky,  Brooke
                             Adams.  In  a  stretching  of  their  usual  screen
                             personas, Marzursky is neurotic and Miss Ad-
                             ams is quirky. This will be the first and last job
                             of 'the push button gang'. A lighthearted heist
                             movie with a lot going for it. First of all, the
                             chemistry  between  Donald  Sutherland  and
                             Brooke  Adams  is  terrific.  He  plays  criminal
        master mind Reese who's planning to break into a new bank, which is only just
        being built in downtown Vancouver.  $25.00.
                              BING CROSBY MOVIES:

                           EAST SIDE OF HEAVEN This is one of
                           two  films  Bing  Crosby  made  when  he  was  on
                           loan to Universal by Paramount. In this one, he's
                           originally a telegram singer before getting fired
                           and  becoming  a  crooning  taxi  driver.  He's  en-
                           gaged to Joan Blondell and has Mischa Auer for a
                           roommate. The songs sung by Bing are entertain-
                           ing especially one number taking place in a café
                           where both the female cooks and some waitresses
                                    join in $40.00

                                    THE STARMAKER. Bing Cros-
                                    by. Good mention in HALLIWELLS.
                                    VARIETY called it 'a rollicking fil-
                                    musical'. Songs include Go Fly a Kite, East side, west side', An
                                    Apple for the Teacher, and much more.  $40.00

                                           Contact: Alan Vogt (Vic.)

            EMAIL:      Phone: (03) 9725-4618

        18     REEL DEALS   September  2021
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